Academic Calendar

Academic Calendar

Monsoon  Semester

(21 weeks)

From the Monday nearest to the completion of the first week of July to the Friday nearest to the completion of the first two weeks of December, excluding the Dussehra break

Classes in Monsoon Semester

(16 weeks)

Teaching begins on the Monday nearest to the 1st of August and ends on the Saturday nearest to the 30th of November.

Autumn Break

(one week)

One week which includes the three festive days of Dusshera


First  Saturday-Sunday of November (or the first Saturday-Sunday after the Dusshera break if it falls within the Dusshera break)

Annual Convocation

1st  Saturday of November (or the first Saturday after the Dusshera break if it falls within the Dusshera break)

Winter Break

(Three weeks)

Three weeks beginning on the Saturday after the close of the Monsoon semester to the Sunday preceding the beginning of the Winter semester.

Winter School

(Three weeks)

(For winter courses, outreach programmes, repetition of courses, etc.) from the Monday after the close of the monsoon semester to the Saturday preceding the beginning of the winter semester.

Winter Semester

(20 weeks)

From the Monday nearest to the completion of the first week of January and to the Friday nearest to the completion of the first three weeks of May.

Classes in the Winter semester

(16 weeks)

Teaching begins (in all Schools except those which have a trimester system) on the Monday nearest to the completion of the second week of January and ends on the Saturday nearest to the completion of the 1st week of May.

Sports Day

Last Friday of  February

Summer Break

(seven weeks)

Seven weeks beginning from the Saturday after the close of the Winter Semester to the Sunday preceding the beginning of the Monsoon semester

Summer School

(seven weeks)

(For summer courses, outreach programmes, repetition of courses, etc) From the Monday after the close of the Winter semester to the Saturday nearest to the 30th of June.