Books 2017-18

Books 2017-18

  • Banerjee, A. (2017). Agrarian crisis and accumulation in rural India: Locating land question within the agrarian question. In A. P. D'costa & A. Chakraborty (Eds.). The land question in India: State, dispossession, and going beyond capitalist transition (101–125). New Delhi: Oxford University Press.
  • Bharti, M.(2017). The Radical Impulse—Music in the tradition of the Indian people’s theatre association. New Delhi, India: Tulika Books.
  • Bharti, M.(2017).Workers or beneficiaries?: The varied politics of NREGA implementation in south-west Madhya Pradesh. In R. Nagaraj and S. Motiram (Eds.), The political economy of contemporary India. New Delhi: Cambridge University Press.
  • Cherian, A. (2017). (Ed.). (2017). Tilt pause shift: Dance ecologies in India. New Delhi: Tulika Books.
  • Cherian, A. (2017). Choreographic Portrait. Nimmy Raphael, Nidravathwam, In Cherian, A. (Ed.). tilt pause shift: Dance ecologies in India. New Delhi: Tulika Books.
  • Cherian, A. (2017). Dancing in the Now: Conditions, Categories, Possibilities. In Cherian, A. (Ed.). Tilt pause shift: Dance ecologies in India. New Delhi: Tulika Books.
  • Cherian, A. (2017). Redefining the public, naturalizing the private: The rewiring of cultural policy discourse in India, 1989–2005. In Cherian, A. (Ed.), Tilt pause shift: Dance ecologies in India. New Delhi: Tulika Books.
  • Chowdhury, S. & Mehdi, Z. (2017). In Shakespeare’s do we trust?. In S. Akhtar. (Ed.), Mistrust: developmental, cultural, and clinical realms (83–106). London: Karnac Books.
  • Dhar, A., Sridhar, K., & Tejaswini, N. (Eds.). (2017). Breaking the silo: Integrated science education in India. Hyderabad: Orient Blackswan.
  • Haq, S.and Masih, S. (2017). Waiting in the Dark. In M. B. Acreche & M. W. Harris (Eds.), Counterdreamers. London: Karnac.
  • Jha. P. (2017). Religion and culture in the making of nation in South Asia. In R. Basu & S. Rehman (Eds.), Governance in South Asia, 19–39. London: Routledge.
  • Kar, D. C.,et al (Eds.). (2017). Building user trust: Key to special libraries renaissance in the digital era. New Delhi: Pragati Publications.
  • Kaul, A., Aggarwal, S., Gupta, A., Dayama, N., Krishnamoorthy, M., & Jha, P. C.. (2017). Informalization of work in the formal sector: Conceptualizing the changing role of state in India. In E. Noronha & P. D’Cruz (Eds.), Critical perspectives of work and employment in India. Singapore: Springer.
  • Laugu, N., Zain, L., Jain, P. , Kar, K., D. C., & Babbar, P. (Eds.). (2017). Curation and management of cultural heritage through libraries. New Delhi: B. K. Book International.
  • Liang, L. (2017). Academic freedom and the ownership of knowledge. In D. Bhattacharya. (Ed.), The idea of the University. New Delhi: Routledge.
  • Maddipati, V. (2017). Aurality, Orality and Embodied Memories: Historicizing Caste in Bengal through Nmasudra Perfromance. In S. A. Ali & T. Chatterjee (Eds.), Interpretation of Memories: Literary, Psychological and Historical Aspects, 173–188. Kolkata: Rohini Nandan.
  • Maddipati, V. (2017, March). Water in the expanded Field: Art, thought and immersion in the Yamuna river: 2005–11. In Deborah S. Hutton and Rebecca M. Brown (Eds.), Rethinking Place in South Asian and Islamic Art, 1500-Present, (60–77). New York: Routledge.
  • Mehrotra, I.(2017). Subsidising capitalism and male labour: The scandal of unfree Dalit female labour relations. In K. Karin & Anandhi, S (Eds.), Dalit Women: Vanguard of an Alternative Politics in India. London: Routledge.
  • Menon, K. (2017). Resisting violence: Annotated bibliography and documents on initiatives to challenge violence against women. New Delhi: WISCOMP.
  • Menon, K., &Johri, R. (2017). In the middle: Mediating the mall, home and the world outside. In M. Bhatia (Ed.), Locating gender in the new middle class in India, (149–171). Shimla: IIAS.
  • Menon, K., &Johri, R. (2017). New meanings of motherhood in middle class homes in India. In M. Bhatia (Ed.), Locating gender in the new middle class in India (59–75). Shimla: IIAS.
  • Navani, M. T. (2017). Expanding higher education in India: The challenge for equity. In G.Atherton (Ed.), Access to higher education: Understanding global inequalities (pp. 109–120). London: Palgrave.
  • Navani, M. T.. (2017). Building and using common knowledge for developing school-community links. In A. Edwards (Ed.), Working relationally in and across practices – a cultural-historical approach to collaboration (pp. 96–112). New York: Cambridge University Press.
  • Nayak, N. & Nehra, S. (2017). Pedagogy for Social Design Practice: The Challenge of Designing Design Assignments. In M. Salehuddin, Farah Mahbub & Muhammad Ali Khan (Eds.), Proceedings from Indus Valley School of Art and Architecture: Design Evolution (Education and Practice). Pakistan: Kennesaw State University.
  • Nayak, N. (2017).Workers or beneficiaries: The varied politics of NREGA implementation on south-west Madhya Pradesh. In R. Nagaraj & S. Motiram (Eds.), The political economy of contemporary India,(pp. 331–361). New Delhi: Cambridge University Press.
  • Pande, M. H. (2017). Classroom interaction. Delhi: IGNOU.
  • Pandey, G., Pradhan, G., & Tripathi, A. (2017). Astitvavaad Me Algaav Ki Dhaarna. Aakar Books.
  • Remesh, Babu. P. (2017). Permanently temporary? On informal jobs in the formal sector, 36th poverty report.New Delhi: Lokashraya Foundation.
  • Roy, A. (2017). Imagining undreamt selves. In M. B. Acreche & M. W. Harris (Eds.), Counterdreamers,(141–149). London: Karnac.
  • Saha, P., & Verick, S. (2017). Casualization and shift of rural workers to non-farm activities. In D. N. Reddy & K. Sarap (Eds.), Rural labour mobility in times of structural transformation,(127–150). Singapore: Springer.
  • Sampat, P. (2017). Infrastructures of growth, corridors of power: The making of the special economic zones act 2005. In S. Motiram & R. Nagaraj (Eds.), Political Economy of Contemporary India (230–259). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
  • Sampat, P.. (2017). Judging the ideal family. In V. Kumar et al. (Eds.), Judiciary and Governance: A Festschrift in honour of Professor (Dr.) Mool Chand Sharma, 362–370. Gurugram, Universal (Lexis Nexis).
  • Sengupta, A. (2017). Atlas.ti and formulation of grounded theory: Understanding entrepreneurship using qualitative data. In N. Jayaram (Ed.), Knowing the social world,(224–244). Hyderabad: Orient Blackswan.
  • Singh, S.K. (2017). Fluid faiths of South Asia: Thinking through Ravidassia in Punjab, India. In D.N. Pathak (Ed.) Another South Asia (100–118). Delhi: Primus Books.
  • Sinha, D, Joshi, A., Patnaik, B (2017). Demanding accountability for hunger in India. In N. Hossain & P. Scott-Villiers (Eds.), Food riots, food rights and the politics of provisions, UK: Routledge.
  • Thomas, S. (2017). Towards a monolingual world: Indian English fiction and translations in India. In O. I. Seel (Ed.), Redefining translation and interpretation in cultural evolution, USA: IGI Global.
  • Vahali, H. O. (2017). Ashis Nandy. In B. Bhushan (Ed.), Eminent Indian psychologists: 100 years of psychology in India. New Delhi: Sage.
  • Venkataraman, G., Bagai, S., & Habib, A. (2017). A bridge to mathematics. New Delhi, India: Sage Publications.
  • Vishakhi, P., Jain, P. K., Kar, D. C., & Babbar, P. (Eds.). (2017). Dynamics of library for excellence in electronic revolution. New Delhi: Bookwell.