A Public Art Intervention in the form of a Bilingual, Quarterly, 'Newspaper'
A talk by Malini Kochupillai and Mahavir Singh Bisht about their learning over the past couple years of running a community driven, socially engaged arts practice in Khirkee Extension. They will discuss the many potentials that lie in creative and artistic tools and expressions, to bridge the many social, economic, spatial and cultural divides that currently define our urban landscape. Examining these many complexities through the lens and scale of a neighbourhood, Khirkee Voice works with the myriad tools of cultural and creative expression to present possibilities and imaginations of a more inclusive future for the communities and neighbourhoods of our cities.
About the Speakers:
Mahavir Singh Bisht is a Visual Consultant working in the development sector with photography and the visual arts. He has an abiding interest in Photography, Journalism and Storytelling and is currently involved in developing 'India in Photobook' an independent project that examines the form of the Photobook through exhibitions, workshops and other programming.
Malini Kochupillai is an independent photographer and urbanist based in Delhi. Her work revolves around the socio- urban condition of the city’s neighborhoods and the people that inhabit them. Using photography and community engagement as tools to explore, and perhaps transcend the many schisms that affect a city’s life, she is interested in creating projects that lead to a more egalitarian and inclusive lived experience of the everyday.
Mahavir and Malini are the Founders and Editors of Khirkee Voice/Awaaz, a community led bi-lingual 'newspaper' supported by Khoj International Artists Association.