AUD Events

AUD Events

Event Date :- 11-September-2019
Event Time :- 1 pm to 4 pm
Venue :- CR-1, Kashmere Gate campus

Dear All,

For today - Interactive Session on 'Everyday Histories and Political Subjectivities in South Asia', with Gowhar Fazili and Vanessa Chishti. 

About the Speakers :

Gowhar Fazili is an academic at large who currently teaches Sociology at Dr. B. R. Ambedkar University of Delhi. His doctoral thesis on Political Subjectivity trespasses multiple disciplinary boundaries of political studies, anthropology and psychoanalysis. Throughout his career, he has moved between social activism associated with environment and building of sites of alternative, experiential, collaborative forms of learning and formal academics. Gowhar is also a calligrapher, an occasional caricaturist who loves to photograph birds.

Vanessa Chishti is a historian, currently teaching at Jindal Global Law School, Sonepat. She is also contributing in the areas of Higher Education and Capacity Building. Her doctoral thesis is a social history with reflections on aspects related to gender among others, from late-eighteenth to the mid-twentieth century, focusing especially on the constitution of the region-specific, through relations of commodity production and exchange.  

Kindly share the session specifics with your students and others interested. Your schedule permitting, please join us for the session.