AUD Events

AUD Events

Event Date :- 11-March-2022
Event Time :- 2:30 pm
Venue :- ONLINE, Kashmere Gate campus

History Society, Dr. B. R. Ambedkar University Delhi

Title: Yes, The Peasants Do Speak: Testimonies of the Indigo Peasants of Champaran

Speaker: Prof. Tridip Suhrud, CEPT University (Ahmedabad)

Chair: Prof. Salil Misra (SLS, AUD)

Zoom ID:

Prof. Tridip Suhrud is a scholar, writer and translator who works on the intellectual and cultural history of modern Gujarat and the Gandhian intellectual tradition. As the director and chief editor of the Sabarmati Ashram Preservation and Memorial Trust (2012-2017), he was responsible for creating the world’s largest digital archive on Gandhi- the Gandhi Heritage Portal. His books include the critical edition of Hind Swaraj, Narayan Desai’s four-volume biography of Gandhi, My Life is My Message, and the four-volume epic Gujarati novel, Sarasvatichandra. His recent works include a critical edition of Gandhi’s autobiography My Experiments with Truth in two languages; Gujarati and English and The Diary of Manu Gandhi (1943-44) and a compilation The Power of Non-Violent Resistance.

He is working on an eight-volume compendium of testimonies of indigo cultivators of Champaran and the second part of The Diary of Manu Gandhi (1946-1948). He is professor and Provost of CEPT University, and Director of Lalbhai Dalpatbhai Institute of Indology, Ahmedabad and serves as Chairman of the Governing Council of MICA.