Dear all,
School of Development Studies Ambedkar UniversityDelhi (AUD)
Invites you to a talk on
Hunger during the pandemic and the budget response
by Dipa Sinha (SLS, AUD)
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Abstract: Along with the economic slowdown as a result of the covid-19 pandemic, a silent crisis that has been spreading in the country is one of hunger and malnutrition. This has been documented by several surveys conducted across the country. Malnutrition in India has always been high with India ranking poorly in the Global Hunger Index. The recently released NFHS 5 (5th National Family Health Survey) results also show that there has not been any significant improvement in child malnutrition in recent years . In this context we analyse the response of the government as part of the covid relief package as well as in the Budget 2021. We look at what the increase in the food subsidy means on the ground, in terms of the subsidized food grains that people get access to. Further the status of initiatives to address malnutrition such as the ‘poshan abhiyaan’, Anganwadi services and school mid day meals are also looked at.