AUD Events

AUD Events

Event Date :- 15-August-2020
Event Time :-
Venue :- Lodhi Road campus


Kumkum Roy, Jawaharlal Nehru University, delivered a talk, Draft National Education Policy: Some issues and challenges, 11 September 2019.

Manish Jain delivered a talk, 'Authentic, Indigenous and Global: Politics of Curriculum and Citizenship Education at the Turn of Twentieth Century India in the School of Education Studies seminar at the Lodhi Road Campus, University, 14 October, 2019.

DivyaVaid, Jawaharlal Nehru University, delivered a talk, Education as a pathway to social mobility: Bringing together macro and micro approaches, in the School of Education Studies seminar at the Lodhi Road Campus, University, 28 October 2019.

Geetha B. Nambissan, Jawaharlal Nehru University, delivered a talk, Private schools for the poor in India: Advocacy networks, discourses and research, in the School of Education Studies seminar at the Lodhi Road Campus, 4 November 2019.

A public exhibition, "Yahan Se Wahan: Ek Safar" was organised by School of Design, School of Education Studies as part of the EqUIP-ICSSR project grant (PI -DrAnandini Dar; Co-I-Divya Chopra), with special invitee, Morgan Ip from AHO - Oslo School of Architecture, Norway, at Jai Hind Camp, New Delhi on 07 & 08 December 2019.

Maninder Singh, Jaipur Rugs Foundation, delivered a special Lecture on "Strategizing school change and leadership augmentation for school heads" as part of Educational Organization and Leadership course, held on 13 February 2020 at University, Lodhi Road Campus, New Delhi.

Dr. KiranBhatty, Senior Fellow, Center for Policy Research, New Delhi delivered a special lecture on "State Capacity in Education: challenges for frontline bureaucracy" in the Reading Education Policy: Context and Practice course on 14 February 2020 at University, Lodhi Road Campus, New Delhi.

Prof. K. Ramachandran, Member National Education Policy 2019 Drafting Committee and Prof. (Retd.) NIEPA, New Delhi delivered a special lecture on " Draft NEP 2019: Policy development process and major policy thrusts " in the Reading Education Policy: Context and Practice course on 19 February 2020 at University, Lodhi Road Campus, New Delhi.

Summer Field Attachment was organised by School of Education Studies (Coordinator Dr. Shivani Nag) for the MA Education 2nd semester cohort, in which 30 students were placed in ten different sites- AzimPremji Foundation (Sirohi), Aga Khan Foundation (Delhi), Vikramshila (Kolkata), Digantar (Jaipur), Farm to Food (Assam), Meraki (Delhi), Bodh ShikshaSamiti (Jaipur), Nazariya (Delhi), Arc Maths (Delhi), and Pratham Delhi), for a period of 3 weeks between 15 May to 21 June 2019.

Summer Field Internship was organised by School of Education Studies (Coordinator Dr. RajshreeChanchal) for the MA Education (Early Childhood Care and Education) 2nd semester cohort, in which 32 students were placed at ten different sites- AzimPremji Foundation (Sirohi), Aga Khan Foundation (Delhi), Vikramshila (Kolkata), Digantar (Jaipur), Farm to Food (Assam), Meraki (Delhi), Mobile Creche (Delhi), Nazariya (Delhi), Arc Maths (Delhi), and Pratham Delhi), for a period of 3 weeks between 15 May to 21 June 2019.

School Field Attachment was organised by School of Education Studies (Coordinator Dr. NiveditaSarkar) for the MA Education 3rd semester cohort, in which 37 students were placed in eight different schools (Bluebells International School, Heritage School, VasantKunj. MCD school with Aga Khan Foundation, SDMC HauzKhas, The Srijan School, St. Mary's School, R.P.V.V. Hari Nagar, AkshayaPratishthan) from 12 September to 21 November 2019 (every Thursday).

Field Attachment (FA) 1 & 2 was organised by School of Education Studies (Coordinators: DrRajshreeChanchal for FA 1 &DrAnandini Dar for FA 2) as part of the curriculum for MA Education (ECCE) Sem 1 & 2 respectively, in which 33 students were placed in six different schools across Delhi (Bharat National Public School; IIT Nursery; Santa Maria; Bluebells International School; Heritage School VasantKunj) to make classroom observations and interventions in early grade classrooms, every Thursday from 5 September to 14 November 2019 and then again from 23 January to 06 March 2020.

Field Attachment 3 was organized by the School of Education Studies (Coordinator: Dr. Monimalika Day) for MA Semester 3 (Early Childhood Care and Education) to provide students the opportunity to learn about education of children with various disabilities. Students visited AkshayPratishthan, Amar Jyoti Charitable Trust, National Trust for the Handicapped students every Thursday between 19 September 2019 and 19 November 2019.

Summer School at the Ludwigsburg University of Education, Germany: From September 30 to October 11, Ludwigsburg University of Education (LUE), Germany and School of Education Studies, University organised a Summer School on “Resilience in Education” at LUE in which eight University and eight LUE students participated along with three faculty members from University and nine faculty members from LUE. The School aimed at engaging with different theoretical and practice based perspectives on resilience in education drawing from the German and Indian educational contexts; and developing the participants capacities to nurture resilience in their educational practice. The Summer School was funded by BWS Plus.


Students and faculty at the Summer School at Ludwigsburg University of Education, Germany for the Summer School on “Resilience in Education” from September 30-October 11, 2019.


Students at the Lodhi Road Campus on Constitution Day Celebrations