

Publications: SES Faculty

  • Dar, Anandini (2019). Teen Lives in India. In Karen Wells (ed.) Teen Lives around the World: A Global Encyclopedia, pp. 175-185. California: ABC-CLIO. ISSN: 1440852.
  • Dar, Anandini (2020) Learning to belong in the world: an ethnography of Asian American girls, Children's Geographies, Online First: DOI: 10.1080/14733285.2020.1712106.
  • Baveja, B. (2019). Culture, Cognition and Pedagogy. In G. Misra (Ed.), Cognitive and Affective (Vol I) (pp. 61-110). New Delhi: Oxford University Press.
  • Andrew, A., Attanasio, O., Augsburg, B., Day, M., Grantham‐McGregor, S., Meghir, C., Pahwa,S& Rubio‐Codina, M. (2019). Effects of a scalable home‐visiting intervention on child development in slums of urban India: Evidence from a randomised controlled trial. Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry.
  • Jain, M., Dewan, H.; Nag, S; & Kumar, M. (Eds) (2020).Introduction in Dewan, H.; Nag, S; Kumar, M.; & Jain, M. (Eds). ‘अध्यापक, अध्यापनऔरअध्यापकशिक्षा :नीतियाँ, बहसेंऔरअनुभव (Teacher, teaching and teacher education: Policies, debates and experiences). New Delhi: VaniPrakshan.
  • Jain, M.(2019). America keeShikshaVyavastha main School aurAdhyapan: Interview of Heather Bigley (School and Teachers in American Education System). Pathshala: BheetaraurBahar, 2 (3), pp.115-123.
  • Jain, M. (2019). Social Science and Language in Schools: Some Preliminary Notes. Language and Language Teaching (Special Issue on Literacy), 8 (2), pp. 49-54.
  • Dewan, H.; Nag, S; Kumar, M.; &Jain, M. (Eds) (2020). ‘अध्यापक, अध्यापनऔरअध्यापकशिक्षा :नीतियाँ, बहसेंऔरअनुभव (Teacher, teaching and teacher education: Policies, debates and experiences). New Delhi: VaniPrakshan.
  • Nag, Shivani (2019). तालीमकीलड़ाई: उच्चशिक्षामेंसामाजिकबहिष्करणकेविविधरूप. Paathshaala, Vol. 3, 66-70.
  • Nag, Shivani (2019). Reflections of a teacher in becoming. In Honey OberoiVahali (Ed.) A Song Called Teaching: Ebbs and flows of experiential and empathetic pedagogies. New Delhi: Aakar Books, 105-110.
  • Navani, M.T. (2019).Problematizing reform thinking in Indian higher education: Choice based credit system and centralized curriculum framing. MERI: Journal of Education. Vol XIV (2), pp. 72-88.
  • Sarkar, N and Mitra.A., &Sarkar, N. (2019).Factors Influencing Household Expenditure on Private Tutoring in Higher Education.In The Future of Higher Education in India (pp. 195-212).Springer, Singapore.
  • Sharma, G. (2019). Paas-fail par raajneeti: Shikshakeadhikaarmeindoosrasanshodhan. Pariprekshya, 25(2) (back-issue), 69-78.[शर्मा, गुंजन. (2019). पास-फ़ेलपरराजनीति: शिक्षाकेअधिकारमेंदूसरासंशोधन. परिप्रेक्ष्य, 25(2) (बैक-इशू), 69-78.]
  • Sharma, G. (2019). Learning from teaching, In H. O. Vahali (Ed.), A song called teaching: Ebbs and flows of experiential and empathetic pedagogies.(pp. 98-104). New Delhi: Aakar Books.
  • Sharma, G. (2020). Bharat kiadhyapakshikhshameinneetigatsudhaar. In H. Dewan, S. Nag, M. Kumar and M. Jain (Eds.), Adhyapak, adhyapanauradhyapakshiksha: Neetiyan, bahaseinauranubhav (pp. 368-384). New Delhi: VaniPrakashan. [शर्मा, गुंजन.(2020). भारतकीअध्यापकशिक्षामेंनीतिगतसुधार. इनएच.दीवान, एस.नाग, एम्.कुमार, एंडएम्.जैन (एड.),अध्यापक, अध्यापनऔरअध्यापकशिक्षा : नीतियाँ, बहसेंऔरअनुभव (पृ. 368-384). नईदिल्ली: वाणीप्रकाशन.]
  • Singh, S. (2019).Language literacy and bilingualism in the early years.In VenitaKaul and SumanBhattarjea (Eds.) Early Childhood Education and School Readiness in India. Singapore: Springer. pp. 153-171.
  • Singh, S. &Chaudhary, A. B. (2019).Situating Teachers beliefs.In VenitaKaul and SumanBhattarjea (Eds.) Early Childhood Education and School Readiness in India. Singapore: Springer. pp. 173-194.

Publications: SES Students

  • Bansal, M (2020). Notions of who is a Good Teacher in Various Teacher Education Programs and Policy. In A. Masih, H.K. Bhatia & A.I. Ahmed (Eds.), Teacher Education: The Changing Landscape Volume II (pp. 120-127). New Delhi, India: VL Media Solutions.
  • Mittal, R. (2019).Searching for 'Happiness' in Happiness Curriculum. Indian Journal of School Health and Wellbeing,5(1):1-14: January-April. Retrieved from
  • Sharma, P. (2020). Looking at the Conceptions of the 'Teacher' in the Teacher Education Discourse. In A. Masih , H. K. Bhatia, & A. I. Ahmed (Ed.), Teacher Education: The Changing Landscape. 1, pp. 75-84. New Delhi: VL Media Solutions.