

  • Kabra, A. (2017). Changing contours of stakeholder engagement in the wake of the new land acquisition law in India: A case study of a proposed small dam in central India. In E. Smyth, K. Adams & E. De Keyser (Eds.), Compendium of the IAIA Special Symposium on "Resettlement and Livelihoods” (21–22). Manila: International Association for Impact Assessment.
  • Kabra, A (2018). Revisiting canons and dogmas in the conservation-versus-human rights debate. Ecology, Economy and Society, 1(1), 84–87.
  • Kabra, A (2018). Displacement, resettlement, and livelihood restoration: Safeguard standards in practice. Development in Practice, 28(2), 269–279.
  • Negi, R., & Taraporevala, P. (2018). Window to a south-south world: Ordinary gentrification and African migrants in Delhi. In S. Cornelissen & Y. Mine (Eds.), Afro-Asian entanglements: Migration and agency in a globalizing world (1st ed., 209–230). UK: Palgrave-Macmillan.