Brooke A. Ackerly, Elisabeth Jay Friedman, Krishna Menon & Marysia Zalewski (2020) Feminism knowledge+politics, International Feminist Journal of Politics, 22:1, 1-3, DOI: 10.1080/14616742.2020.1703715
Brooke A. Ackerly, Elisabeth Jay Friedman, Krishna Menon & Marysia Zalewski (2019) From iron cages to blurred binaries: feminist and gendered institutional interventions, International Feminist Journal of Politics, 21:5, 669-671, DOI: 10.1080/14616742.2019.1687180
Menon, K. (2018). The state of care: Work, ethics and gender. Contemporary Social Scientist, 10(2), 23-30.
Menon, K. (2019). The ‘right’ music: Caste and ‘classical’ music in south India. In B. Nanda and N. Ray (Eds.), Discourse on rights in India: Debates and dilemmas (338-345). New York: Routledge.
Menon, K. (2018). Women’s political participation in India. In B. Biswas and R. Kaul (Eds.), Women and empowerment in contemporary India (66-82). Delhi: Worldview.
Menon, K. (2018) Deepening democracy: Women’s rights and democracy. In B. Nepram (Ed.), Addressing democracy, diversity, racial and gender based violence with focus on sexual violence in conflict areas in India (44-48). Delhi: Marg and EU. book title and publisher.
Menon, K. (2018). State intervention in women’s rights. In B. Biswas and R. Kaul (Eds.), Women and empowerment in contemporary India (156-168). Delhi: Worldview.
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Vahali, H.O. (2018). Through alleys and ‘innerscapes’: The city and the psyche. THAAP Journal, vol(issue), .
Menon, K. (2018). The evolving politics of Odissi. [Review of the book Languid bodies grounded stances, by N. Sikand]. The Book Review, XLII(8), 30-32.
Menon, K. (2018). Through the lens of gender and sexuality. [Review of the book Dancing with the nation, by R. Vanita]. The Book Review, XLIII(2), 36-38.
Pandey, S. (2019). [Review of the book 1-800-worlds: The making of the Indian call centre economy, by M. Krishnamurthy]. Contributions to Indian Sociology, 53(1), 238-240. Retrieved from:
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