

  • Banerjea, N., Dasgupta, D., Dasgupta, R., Dutta, A., Rai, A. S., & Quintana, J. (2018). Queering digital cultures: A roundtable conversation with academics and practitioners. In R. Dasgupta & D. Dasgupta (Eds.), Queering digital India: Activisms, identities and subjectivities (29-53). Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press.
  • Banerjea, N., & Browne, K. (2018). Livable lives: A transnational queer-feminist reflection in sexuality, development and governance. In C. Mason (Ed.), Queer development studies: A reader (169-180). New York: Routledge.
  • Banerjee, A. (2018). Interrogating the agrarian question in India under neo-liberalism: A peasant class approach. In A. Banerjee & C. P. Chandrasekhar (Eds.), Dispossession, deprivation and development: Essays for Utsa Patnaik (). New Delhi: Tulika Books.
  • Banerjee, A., & Anand, I. (2019). The NDA-II regime and the worsening agrarian crisis. In R. Azad, S. Chakraborty, S. Ramani & D. Sinha (Eds.), A quantum leap in the wrong direction? (). Delhi: Orient Blackswan.
  • Chakravarty, P. (2018). The story of partition from the official and the alternate archives. In C. Mahn & A. Murphy (Eds.), Partition and the practice of memory (91-114). London: Palgrave Macmillan.
  • Dhar, A. K. (2018). Girindrasekhar Bose and the history of psychoanalysis in India. Indian Journal of History of Science, 53(4), 198-204.
  • Goswami, P., & Dubey, R. S. (2018). Analytical solution of the nonlinear diffusion equation. European Physcial Journal Plus, 133(5), 1-12.
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  • Goswami, P., & Dubey, R. S. (2019). Some fractional integral inequalities for the Katugampola integral operator. ESCI Indexed Journal, 3(4), 600-604.
  • Goswami, P., Rana, S., & Dubey, R. S. (2018). The norm of pre-Schwarzian derivative on subclasses of bi-univalent functions. ESCI Indexed Journal, 3(4), 600-604.
  • Jassal, S. T. (2018). Echoes on the shrine: Remembering and forgetting in tow contexts. In S. T. Jassal & H. Turan (Eds.), New perspectives on India and Turkey: Connections and debates (47-61). London: Routledge.
  • Menon, S. (2018). The Swaminarayan sect: contested reforms. Journal of Exclusion Studies, 8(2), 90-102.
  • Mir, U. A., & Kokila, K. (2018). Exploring the concept of cultural competence in the context of professional health care practices. Review of Professional Management, 16(1), 50-56.
  • Nite, D. K. (2018). A fortune maker: Life and the business practice of Joseph Stephens, India and Scandinavia 1869-69. In M. Petersson (Ed.), Fran Britishka Indien till Huseby Bruk (135-166). Lund: Arkiv Forlog.
  • Nite, D. K. (2018). Labor, wages and living standards of working people: Early modern and colonial India, 1600-1870. In K. Myrvold, and S. Billore (Eds.), India: Research on Cultural Encounters and Representations (131-161). Stockholm: Makadam Forlog.
  • Nite, D. K. (2019). Negotiating the mines: The culture of safety in the Indian coalmines, 1895-1970. Studies in History, 35(1), 88-118.
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  • Prajapati, B., & Tiwari, S. K. (2019). Generalized derivations act as a Jordan homomorphism on multilinear polynomials. Communications in Algebra 47(7), 2777-2797.
  • Sampat, P. (2018). India’s land impasse: Infrastructure, resistance and rent. In V. Lawson & S Elwood (Eds.), Relational poverty politics: Forms, struggles and possibilities (). Athens: University of Georgia Press.
  • Sen, R. (2018). Interrogating (non)-consent in sexual intimacies and infringements: Mapping the socio-legal landscape in India. In G. Chaddha and M. T. Joseph (Eds.), Re-imagining Sociology in India: Feminist perspectives (197-219). London & New York: Routledge.
  • Sen, R. (2018). Re-imagining kinship in disability specific domesticity: Legal understanding of care and companionship. In A. Ghai (Ed.), Mapping disability studies in south Asia (401-412). New Delhi: Sage Publications.
  • Sharma, S. K. (2019). Poorhouses and gratuitous relief in colonial north India. In A. Mukherjee (Ed.), A cultural history of famine: Food security and the environment in India and Britain (129-148). London & New York: Routledge.
  • Sinha, D. (2018). Financial inclusion in centre for equity studies. India Exclusion Report 2017-18. Delhi: Yoda Press.
  • Sinha, D., Himanshu, Lanjouw, P., & Stern, N. (2018). Palanpur: The village through seven decades. In Himanshu, P. Lanjouw, & N. Stern (Eds.), How lives change: Palanpur, India, and development economics (). UK: Oxford University Press.
  • Sinha, D., & Bhattacharya, R. (2018). Human development: Education, health, public services. In Himanshu, P. Lanjouw, & N. Stern (Eds.), How lives change: Palanpur, India, and development economics (). UK: Oxford University Press.
  • Sinha, D., & Himanshu. (2018). Society and politics: Inertia and change. In Himanshu, P. Lanjouw, & N. Stern (Eds.), How lives change: Palanpur, India, and development economics (). UK: Oxford University Press.
  • Snehi, Y. (2019). Historiography, fieldwork and popular Sufi shrines in the Indian Punjab. The Indian Economic and Social History Review, 56(2), 1-32.
  • Snehi, Y. (2018). Spatiality, memory and street shrines of Amritsar. South Asia Multidisciplinary Academic Journal, 18(2018), 1-22. Retrieved from:
  • Snehi, Y. (2018). Resisting fluidity, territorializing practice. In Fluid faith, rigid religion: In the framework of south Asia (special issue). International Journal on Humanistic Ideology, 8(1), 15-40.
  • Venkataraman, G. (2019, February). Acquire multiple skills by combining subjects. In Higher Education (English) – 2019. New Delhi: The Times Group.
  • Venkataraman, G. (2018, July). Southern Grey Shrike [Photograph]. In Shirihai & Svensson, Handbook of Western Paleartic Birds. London: Bloomsbury.
  • Mir, U. A., & Ningthoujam, S. (2018). Beginning of Anthropocene epoch and challenges for sustainability. World Focus, 464(August) .
  • Sen, R. (2018). Note/introduction: Indian feminisms, law reform and law commission of India [Editorial]. Journal of Indian Law and Society, 6(Monsoon), XI-XXXVII. Special issue in honour of Lotika Sarkar.
  • Sinha, D., & Azad, R. (2018, May 24). The Jan-Dhan Yojana, four years later. The Hindu.
  • Sinha, D. (2018, August 17). There are many holes in the Ayushman Bharat health shield. MoneyControl.
  • Sinha, D., & Bhatty, K. (2018, October 15). What is affecting the performance of the public sector. The Wire. Retrieved from:
  • Sinha, D. (2019, January 11). Plugging the design gaps in ICDS for all children. DNA.
  • Sinha, D. (2019, January 25). Right to education: When access can also mean quality. DNA.
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  • Sinha, D. (2019, February 2). Is this budget really for unorganized sector workers? The Wire. Retrieved from:
  • Sinha, D., & Sengupta, S. (2019, February 6). How maternity benefits can be extended to informal women workers. The Wire. Retrieved from:
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  • Venkataraman, G., & Cocke, W. (2019). On the number of elements of maximal order in a group. The American Mathematical Monthly, 126(1), 66-69.
  • Waknis, P. (2018). On Monetary Economics. [Review of the book Monetary policy in India: A macroeconomic perspective, by C. Ghate & K. M. Kletzer (Eds.)] Economic and Political Weekly, 53(28), 26-27.
  • Banerjee, A. (2018). Challenging theoretical hegemonies. [Review of the book Handbook of alternative theories of economic development, by E. S. Reinert, J. Ghosh, & R. Kattel]. The Book Review, 42(10), . Retrieved from:
  • Banerjee, T. (2018). Analysing economic institutions. [Review of the book Economic growth, efficiency and inequality, by S. K. Jain, & A. Mukherji]. The Book Review, 42(10), . Retrieved from:
  • Biswas, A. (2018). [Review of the book Land dispossession and everyday politics in rural eastern India, by K. B. Nielsen]. Contemporary South Asia, 26(4), 498.
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  • Dhar, A. K. (2018). [Review of the book Violence and the burden of memory: Remembrance and erasure in Sinhala consciousness, by S. Perera]. Contributions to Indian Sociology, 52(2), 245-247.
  • Sinha, D. (2018). Rethinking Economics. [Review of the book Essays in economics and other cheerful themes: A dismal scientist’s occasional reflections on the world around him, by S. Subramanian]. The Book Review, 42(10), 46-47.
  • Waknis, P. (2018). Impact of policy shock. [Review of the book Demonetization and black economy, by C. R. Reddy]. The Book Review, 42(10), . Retrieved from:
  • Banerjee, T. (2018, August 5). Son of the soil: Politics and the spectacle of NRC in Assam. Vikalp. Retrieved from:
  • Menon, S. (2019). BJP and the politics of polarization: Agenda for the 2019 elections. The Asia Dialogue. Retrieved from: