AUD Events

AUD Events

Event Date :- 14-July-2020 To 16-July-2020
Event Time :- 02:00 pm to 4:00 pm
Venue :- Webinar, Kashmere Gate campus

Dear All,

I am glad to bring to your kind notice the second webinar being organised by the  SLS Economics Faculty. In this Dr. Krishna Ram, Assistant Professor would be providing hands-on training for "Working with NSSO Unit Level Data Set using STATA" through a set of two sessions. Please note that these are scheduled for 14th and 16th July 2020 from 2:00-4:00 pm. 

Agenda (in brief):

First Session:  Data Extraction, Generation of unique Household ID, and Weight Variables.

Second Session: Merging, tabulation (using the table and tabulate command), uses of weight, etc. 


Please feel free to share it further for the information of those whom you think may be interested to participate or are likely to get benefited from it. Note that participants are required to join the group over telegram through the link: which is compulsory for attending the programme. All the further instructions will be shared through the group only. Steps for joining the group are provided in the attachment.   


Pre-requisites: Please note that participants are expected to have some familiarity with Stata Commands and the latest Periodic Labour Survey 2018-19 data set. The procedure of downloading the relevant data is also explained in the attachment.