AUD Events

AUD Events

Event Date :- 13-July-2020
Event Time :-
Venue :- Webinar, Kashmere Gate campus

Dear All,

I am pleased to inform you that the Economics Faculty at the School of Liberal Studies has been planning for an interesting line-up of Webinars for the benefit of the University community in particular and promotion of learning in general during the prevailing unprecedented situation.

I am glad to bring to your kind notice that one of the first such events is scheduled from 13th July 2020 (onwards) in which Dr. Jyotirmoy Bhattacharya, Associate Professor would be engaging us on the theme of "A Little Bit of Measure Theory" through a set of six online lectures giving an overview of the basic problems and results of measure theory. 

Please feel free to share it further for the information of those whom you think may be interested to participate or are likely to get benefited from it. Please note that participants are expected to have some exposure to mathematical analysis at the undergraduate level. 

For details and registration please visit