AUD Events
Event Date :- 06-November-2019 To 08-November-2019
Event Time :- 02:00 pm to 05:30 pm
Venue :- kashmere Gate, Kashmere Gate campus
SPSS ver 26.0 Training for faculty and students of AUD
The training session on SPSS latest version 26.0 with AMOS has been arranged as per the schedule mentioned below at KG campus.
6th November 2019 (14:00 to 17:30 Hrs)
8th November 2019 (14:00 to 17:30 Hours.
Two Days Session on SPSS
Day 1
- Introduction to SPSS
- Data preparation options like data import, export, merge files etc.
- Descriptive Statistics including missing value imputation
- Charts and Diagrams
- Linear Regression
Day 2
- Logistic Regression
- Factor Analysis.
- Cluster Analysis
- Decision Trees
- Introduction to AMOS
- Application example on AMOS