AUD Events

AUD Events

Event Date :- 24-July-2020
Event Time :- 12:00 pm
Venue :- Webinar, Kashmere Gate campus

The School of Business, Public Policy and Social Entrepreneurship, is organising a Webinar on Strategy of Managing Personal Finance including Mutual Funds- During & After Covid-19

The resource persons for the Webinar are:  Mr. Amit Prajapati, AGM, Securities and Exchange Board of India (SEBI) and Mr. Surya Kant Sharma, Senior Consultant, Association of Mutual Funds in India (AMFI)
Title: Strategy of Managing Personal Finance including Mutual Funds- During & After Covid-19
Where: You tube:
Access: Open to All
Registration Link:

*Registration is mandatory for all the participants.  Participants who register, attend the webinar and complete the feedback form will receive an e-certificate.