AUD Events

AUD Events

Event Date :- 07-November-2019 To 09-November-2019
Event Time :- 10:00 am
Venue :- Kashmere Gate campus

SUS Jodhpur Field Visit 

An Academic Field Visit was organized from 7th-9th November, 2019, for our students from SUS at AUD, as part of their coursework for BA History course, Medieval India I: Polity and Administration. Through our Field visit, the attempt was to try and understand the idea of the ‘medieval’ itself, while exploring the historical processes featuring in the making of the Rajput cultural, political and social mores. Our group of about 40 members consisting of Students and Faculty members, started our scheduled Visit at Mehrangarh Fort, Jodhpur. With this Field Visit, the larger attempt was also to provide an outside classroom interactive experience- for our students in order to try and make sense of the historicity and the aesthetics of the structures in 'real' spaces"

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