AUD Events

AUD Events

Event Date :- 15-January-2021
Event Time :- 3:00 pm
Venue :- ONLINE, Kashmere Gate campus

Dear All, 

History Faculty has organised a talk by Dr. Chinmay Tumbe titled " India and the 1918 Pandemic" on Friday 15th of January 2021, at 3 pm.


Dr Tumbe teaches  Economics at Indian Institute of Management, Ahmedabad. However, his work straddles multiple areas of social sciences research, including history, economics and sociology. His earlier work India Moving: A History of Migration traced long histories of historical and contemporary migrations in India, especially in the context of patterns of labour migrations. His new work Age of Pandemics (1817-1920): How they shaped India and the World, is a timely exploration into the histories of Pandemics like Small Pox, Cholera, and Influenza and the manner in which they shaped government policies and public consciousness. 

In the talk on Friday, he revisits the 1918 Influenza pandemic in India, which is a form of Bird Flu, and was particularly devastating for India, as well as an important event that shaped health policy in colonial India.

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