AUD Events

AUD Events

Event Date :- 15-November-2019
Event Time :- 03:00 pm
Venue :- NL2,CR, Kashmere Gate campus

Izhaar, Theatre Society of Karampura Campus

invites all for 'The World Before Her'

About the Play

Has there been a time when you spent a lot of your energy on someone or something that sucked you to a deep dark place rather than the enchanting place you dreamt about?

Sometimes we realize.… we realize something.

But at times, after realizing, we so wish to have perceived it earlier. We wonder if it’s too late to realize something, to understand something, to know something…..?

The forces of realization are intense. How one thing may hit the heart of someone is possibly dangerous and liberating at the same time. However, at what cost does this liberation come?

A fear operates here. It is the fear of being left out, it is the fear of being lonely, it is the fear of instability which causes our actions.

Why do we even need to look into or question these fears?

If sexuality is the driving force of our actions then our actions represent our sexual state.Through observation one realizes that any action with some kind of a fear as it's cause, leads to an insecurity.

This play explores the resulting chaos in our sexuality; a study of modern day relationships, their nature and ensuing consequences.

It probes the causes of insecurity and loneliness that we grapple with, and the steps we take in order to suppress the fears of a life lived unfulfilled.