Simranjeet Kaur
Having done my bachelors in journalism from Delhi University, getting into Early Childhood Care and Education was initially a harrowing experience. Without any familiarity with Vygotsky or Piaget, I had doubts over my survival in the programme. However, within two months in the programme, I was pleasantly surprised to find myself changing upside down and getting engrossed in the subjects. What worked for me in the programme was the fact that the teachers were extremely supportive and made a genuine effort in teaching, not judging. The very environment of the university made sure that each of us had space to release our creative juices and intertwine them with various theories and concepts. The field visits are the USP of the programme for they helped me to get first-hand experience of dealing with children and connect my learnings to what we were studying in classes.
Now that I am in my last semester writing my thesis, I can very well trace my growth not only as a student but also as an individual. I will always cherish these two years in my entire lifetime.
Written By: Simranjeet Kaur, MA Education (ECCE), Sem 4,Dr. B. R. Ambedkar University Delhi
Shreshthi Jain
When I joined MA Education (ECCE), I had just graduated from a B.Ed. programme and wanted to pursue a course in the field pertaining to young children and their education. This course has taught me in abundance via different opportunities such as, field visits, seminars, conferences, workshops, etc. It doesn’t matter from which field/background you come from—this course adapts you into its aura. There’s so much comfort in this course—the stress of in-class exam does not exist—professors give you open book exam, take home exam, term papers, group projects and so on and you work throughout the semester. You can meet/mail teachers if you have difficulties and they respond back! The faculty is your guide and friend. They are with you at every step. They teach undertaking the background as well as level of understanding of the student(s). Here, you have freedom to express yourself anytime and anywhere. You decide the trajectory. I enrolled as a caterpillar and now I’m a butterfly. This course has transformed me completely and I’m more confident and self-aware. Thank you SES and CECED.
Written By: Shreshthi Jain, MA Education (ECCE), Sem 4 AUD
Rupjyoti Konwar
I joined this program from my own interest. I really like the design of the program, the courses provided, the opportunity to explore the diversity in the field of early childhood education and the focus on examining and critiquing the gap between theory and practice. The pedagogy of this program is interactive, focused on learning and constructing knowledge and reflecting upon learning. Doing the assignments involves a lot of brainstorming—we can’t find ready answers in the books. The assessment done on the basis of assignments is a comfortable arrangement—and at the same time has merit because it compels us to read regularly for class. The support and guidance from the faculty is incomparable. They have really dedicated themselves to make the process of learning an engaging process for us. The field placement sites especially help us in connecting with the theoretical foundations of ECCE and help us understand the significance and need of research in child development. I think this programme will definitely help me to grow as an ECCE professional as I look towards the second year of the programme.
Written by: Rupjyoti Konwar, MA Education (ECCE), Sem 2