AUD Events

AUD Events

Event Date :- 25-June-2020
Event Time :- 4:00 pm to 6:00 pm
Venue :- Kashmere Gate campus

The School of Business, Public Policy and Social EntrepreneurshipSecurities and Exchange Board of India (SEBI) and Multi Commodity Exchange (MCX) are jointly organising SEBI Regional Webinar on Commodity Derivatives on 25th June 2020(Thursday) from 4PM onwards.
The resource persons for the Webinar are:  Mr. Sharad Sharma, Regional Director, Securities and Exchange Board of India (SEBI) and Mr. Sanjay Gakhar, Vice President (Business Development), Multi-Commodity Exchange (MCX)
Title: SEBI Regional Webinar on Commodity Derivatives
When: 4pm on 25th June 2020 (Thursday)
Access: Open to All
Registration Link*:     
*Registration is mandatory for all the participants.  Participants who register, attend the webinar and complete the feedback form will receive an e-certificate . 
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