AUD Events

AUD Events

Event Date :- 19-February-2021
Event Time :- 2:00 pm to 4:00 pm
Venue :- ONLINE, Kashmere Gate campus

CPCR and School of Human Studies, AUD coordially invite you to

Webinar on Recovery, Mental Health and Law

Mental health and disability has been the subject ofsignificant legislationsin the past decade. The proposed seminarseeksto foreground the significance of legal aspects ofmental health and disability in reflecting upon the new crises emerging fromthe pandemic.

Dr. Prateeksha Sharma, PhD. Speaking on "Barriers to recovery from Psychosocial disabilities"

Prof. Dhandha, Advocate.Speaking on Mental Health and Law

Zoom Join

Meeting ID:924 3401 1279
Passcode: 826814