AUD Events

AUD Events

Event Date :- 21-July-2020 To 23-July-2020
Event Time :- 11:00 am to 12:30 pm
Venue :- Webinar, Kashmere Gate campus

Dear All,

I am glad to bring to your kind notice the third webinar being organised by the SLS Economics Faculty. In this Dr. Parag Waknis, Associate Professor would be engaging us on an interesting theme "Why are some nations rich and others poor?" in a set of two sessions. Please note that these are scheduled for 21st and 23rd July 2020 from 11:00 AM-12:30 PM.

Event Agenda (in brief): Economic inequality among countries in the world is mind-boggling. There is the developed western world where an average person consumes a basket of goods and services that is at least six to ten times larger with substantially better quality than an average Chinese or an Indian. And then there are some countries in the African continent that would take about 2000 years to reach current US standards of living if they continue to grow at their historically average rates while standards of living in the developed world continue to grow. How do you wrap your head around these utterly baffling differences in standards of living? Is there some action that a country’s government can take that will improve its standard of living in a short period of time? If yes, what are these actions? If not, what is it in the nature of that country that prevents it from doing so? This series of webinars will give a glimpse of what current research has to say about these questions and provide some thoughts on their applicability to the Indian context.


Please feel free to share it further for the information of those whom you think may be interested to participate or are likely to get benefited from it. Note that participants can join the meeting on both days through the following google meet link: