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Workshop on “From Research to Publication: What Researchers Should Know?”
On 20th January 2019, 11.30 am-3.30 pm
In NL2, Upper Caps-40
This workshop will be focusing on Research literacy, plagiarism and skills to write scholarly articles for journals. The workshop will be mainly divided in three sessions and one 30 minutes session for publishers.
Session-1 “Plagiarism its Detection and Prevention” (11.30am-12.30pm)
the Session: It is important to understand what constitutes the plagiarism, national plagiarism regulations and how many types of plagiarism are there with detection tools. To avoid plagiarism it is important to know about the freely available Reference Management Tools and various open access electronic thesis and dissertations initiatives.
Prof. Ramesh C. Gaur
Dean & Director (Library & Information) & Head-Kala Nidhi Division at Indira Gandhi National Centre for the Arts (IGNCA), New Delhi, Ministry of Culture, Government of India.
Prior to this he was the University Librarian, at Jawaharlal Nehru University (JNU); Tata Institute of Fundamental Research (TIFR), CRRI-CSIR, RIS, New Delhi, MDI and IMT Ghaziabad etc. Dr Gaur is a Fulbright Scholar (VT, USA) and has received 12 awards in recognition to his exemplary work.Dr Gaur is the first Indian nominated as Member- International Advisory Committee (IAC) UNESCO Memory of the World (MoW) Programme.
He is also member of Expert Consultation Committee for setting up of International Centre on Documentary Heritage (ICDH) in South Korea. He is the member of many other important national and international professional bodies. Important affiliations includes; Member-Governing Council-INFLIBNET, Member of Research Council (RC) for CSIR-Member-International Consultative Committee on Digital Dunhuang, China, NDLTD Board of Directors, Member of UGC National Committee for Implementation of Submission and Access to Electronic Theses andDissertations in Universities in India, Member Governing Council-INFLIBNET, Member-National Advisory Board-E-Shodh Sindhu National Consortia, Member of various Committees of International Federations of Library Associations (IFLA), Member Databib Advisory Board,USA.
Publishers Session-Presentation of Sage Research Methods Online (SRMO) (12.30pm-1.00pm) by Sage Representative
LUNCH BREAK 1.00-1.30 PM
Session-2 “How to publish your book with an academic publisher?"(1.30pm-2.30 pm)
About the Session:
This presentation will take scholars and researchers through the various requirements and processes involved in academic publishing, give helpful tips and guidelines, and show potential pitfalls. Overall, it will make early researchers more aware about various aspects involved in shaping ideas into a book form.
Aakash Chakrabarty
Senior Commissioning Editor at Routledge, Taylor and Francis.
He commissions research monographs, edited collections, handbooks, and readers in the areas of politics, especially political theory and processes, public policy and administration, migration and diaspora studies, social exclusion & discrimination for the Routledge India Originals Programme. He also looks at works on environment, religion, linguistics and digital humanities. You can write to him at [email protected].
Session-3 How to write a Scholarly Article? Some tips (2.30pm-3.30 Pm)
About the Session: Communication is the essence of research. The research findings need to be communicated to a broader audience on time. Researchers need to publish their work in different formal channels of information like journals, books, and so on so forth. In this context, the aim of this session is to enhance the scholarly writing skills of the researchers. The presentation will offer advice on how to prepare a manuscript and get published. It will focus on the finer points of scholarly articles.
Dr. Manorama Tripathi
University Librarian, Jawaharlal Nehru University
Manorama Tripathi holds a doctorate in Library and Information Science from Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi. At present, she is working as a Librarian at the Central Library, Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi. Prior to joining JNU, she served Indira Gandhi National Open University New Delhi as Documentation Officer; University of Delhi, Delhi and Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi as a faculty member. Dr. Manorama Tripathi is a recipient of the best paper award from Raja Ram Mohun Library Foundation. She has published 60 research papers in national, international scholarly journals and conference volumes. She has done several presentations and delivered talks at CEC-UGC, Refresher and Orientation programmes of the universities across the country. She has visited many countries for participating in international conferences. Her areas of research include information-seeking behavior of researchers, innovative library services and scientometrics