AUD Events

AUD Events

Event Date :- 04-December-2019
Event Time :- 10:30 am
Venue :- Admin Block-301, Kashmere Gate campus

Reimagining Safety- Unboxing Gender

Development Studies and Public Policy & Governance Programme at Dr. B. R. Ambedkar University of Delhi will be organizing a workshop.

This workshop will be conducted by Martha Farrell Foundation and will be based on participatory research method tools.

Participants who complete the 1-day workshop will receive a certificate of participation. There are limited seats and those interested in participating may fill the form in the given link- and send an email to ivy[at]aud[dot]ac[dot]in and/or partha[at]aud[dot]ac[dot]in. Registration is open till 30th November, 2019. 

Abstact:-Reimagining Safety- Unboxing Gender

Gender based violence is a phenomenon deeply rooted in gender inequality and continues to be one of the most notable form of human rights violation within all societies. Freedom from the threat of harassment, and sexual assault is something that most of us have a hard time imagining.

This one-day workshop on imagining safety in a gender just space reiterates AUD’s commitment to create safe and gender just spaces for faculty and students within campus spaces. Academic institutions are, to a large extent, a reflection of the realities prevailing in society. As microcosms of society, it often mirrors its social fabric and with it, its narrowed gendered thinking, creating structures which are discriminatory for both students and faculty.

This workshop will provide a space to deliberate on issues of safety within the gender framework. Besides highlighting the challenges and opportunities of the same, the workshop will explore the role of students in mainstreaming gender and strengthening the institutional commitment towards creating a gender just society.

Martha Farrell Foundation

Dr Martha Farrell, Director at PRIA was a passionate civil society leader, renowned and respected in India and around the world for her work on women’s rights, gender equality and adult education. The Martha Farrell Foundation (MFF) has been set up to carry forward Martha’s spirit and legacy by advancing her pioneering work on gender mainstreaming and adult education, with the overall goal of achieving gender equality in India and around the world. The Foundation recognises the urgency of bringing the issue of Sexual harassment at the workplace to the forefront. The foundation supports practical interventions which are committed to achieving a gender-just society and promoting a life-long learning.