Dr. B. R. Ambedkar University Delhi is organising a day long Workshop on Sustainable Development Goals 4 and 13 - Quality Education and Climate Action.
The objectives of the event are to a) create awareness about the Sustainable Goals pertaining to education and climate action; b) promote innovative curriculum integration to address sustainability within educational institutions; c) deliberate on the role of higher education and role of teachers in achieving SDG 4 & 13; and d) encourage networking and collaboration among educators, policymakers, and environmental experts.
The expected participants would include all faculty members, research scholars and other interested audience.
The Workshop will be held in India Habitat Center in The Theatre on 3rd November 2023 (Friday), from 10 am to 5 pm. It will consist of an Inaugural session, and presentations as part of panel discussions.
There is no registration fee for the participants from internal Faculty Members and Research Scholars of Dr. B.R. Ambedkar University Delhi.
For external participants, the registration fee is as follows:
1. Higher education faculty members: Rs. 1000/-
2. Students enrolled in any higher education institution: Rs. 500/-
We will provide participation certification to the registered participants of the workshop.
To register, visit: https://forms.gle/
Payment by external participants (non Dr.B.R. Ambedkar University Delhi participants) can be made via https://eazypay.icicibank.com/