Faculty Profile


Dr. Anushka Singh


  • PhD from Department of Political Science, University of Delhi
  • M.Phil from Department of Political Science, University of Delhi
  • Masters in Political Science from Lady Sri Ram College, University of Delhi
  • Graduation in Political Science (Hon) from Miranda House, University of Delhi

Past Experience

  • Assistant Professor at the Department of Political Science, Gargi College, University of Delhi from 10th June 2015 to 22nd August 2017
  • Assistant Professor (Ad hoc) at the Department of Political Science, University of Delhi from July to November 2013
  • Guest Lecturer at Lady Sri Ram College, University of Delhi from February to April 2013
  • Guest Lecturer at Lady Sri Ram College, University of Delhi from September to November 2012.


  • PhD Visiting fellowship for doctoral research at Tagore Centre for Global thought, King’s College, University of London, England from April to June 2014
  • Indian Council for Social Science Research Doctoral fellowship 2015
  • ICSSR Doctoral Fellowship 2014 (did not avail)



  1. Sedition in Liberal Democracies, 2018, Oxford University Press, Delhi.


Journal Articles


  1. The Lifeworld of Law: Methodological Multiplicity in Legal Pedagogy, 2023, Asian Journal of Legal Education,  https://doi.org/10.1177/23220058231178739 
  2. ‘The Law of the Executive: Sedition and its Political Functions’, 2022, Economic and Political Weekly, Vol. 57, Issue No. 26-27 (https://www.epw.in/journal/2022/26-27/perspectives/law-executive.html)
  3. 'Sanction for prosecution in ‘Offences Against the State’ in India: The prerogative of the political and the withdrawal of the judicial', 2022, International Journal of Law, Crime and Justice, Volume 69 (June)100531  https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ijlcj.2022.100531
  4. ‘Towards a Political Etymology of Sedition’, 2021, Economic and Political Weekly, vol 56, no 32 (https://www.epw.in/journal/2021/32/comment/towards-political-etymology-sedition.html)
  5. ‘Rajya ka Surksha Vimarsh Banam Loktantrik, Adhikar: Adalti Phaisle ke Aaine Mein Rajdroh Kanoon', 2013, Pratiman: Samay Samaj Sanskriti CSDS, Vani Prakashan, Delhi, July-December, Volume I, Issue 2.pp. 707-724. ISSN Number 2320-8201, https://www.csds.in/pratiman_samay_samaj_sanskriti
  6. ‘Criminalising Dissent, Consequences of UAPA’, 2012, Economic and Political Weekly, Vol. 47, no 38, pp. 14-18, available at http://www.epw.in/journal/2012/38/commentary/criminalising-dissent.html


Book Chapters:


  1. ‘Law and Constitutional Democracy: Meanings, Iterations and Consequences’, 2020, in Roy and Becker (eds) Dimensions of Constitutional Democracy, India and Germany, Springer, 978-981-15-3899-5
  2. ‘Liberal democracy, advocacy of violence and criminal harm’, 2019, in Violence and

Democracy, London: British Academy, ISBN 9780856726369

  1.  ‘Bharat me Atank Virodhi Kanoon 1,’ 2013, Samaj Vigyan Vishvakosh, Rajkamal Prakashan, , New Delhi, pp. 1091-1092, ISBN : 978-81-267-2587-8
  2. ‘Bharat me Atank Virodhi Kanoon 2’ 2013, Samaj Vigyan Vishvakosh, Rajkamal Prakashan, , New Delhi, pp. 1093- 1095, ISBN: 978-81-267-2587-8.


Popular articles:

  1. ‘As laws expand their reach in India, political freedoms shrink’, originally published under Creative Commons by 360info™, 30th August 2023, https://doi.org/10.54377/9544-ad6a
  2. ‘Where anyone can be accused of sedition’ (co-authored), The Hindu (Print edition), 14th June 2023, available at https://www.thehindu.com/opinion/op-ed/where-anyone-can-be-accused-of-sedition/article66964599.ece
  3. Transitions in the vocabulary of political dissent at the commencement of the Republic, 2023, Pluralist Agreement and Constitutional Transformation (PACT)- Blog post, available at https://pactproject.net/2023/01/25/transitions-in-the-vocabulary-of-political-dissent-at-the-commencement-of-the-republic/
  4.  ‘Why Supreme Court must strike down sedition law entirely’, The Indian Express (print edition), 17th July 2021, available at https://indianexpress.com/article/opinion/columns/sedition-law-supreme-court-incite-violence-against-government-7408536/
  5. ‘Who Shall Speak in the Times of the Coronavirus?’, The Wire, 4th April 2020, available at https://thewire.in/health/who-shall-speak-in-the-times-of-the-coronavirus?fbclid=IwAR2nLnlYnMvzy5iOn_xEdASqDHcOI12W2Vs58ppSZ_M641QJWO_8Dpcy4mg
  6. ‘Law as a Political Tool’, India Today, Issue: 16 March 2020
  7. ‘If Malaysia's Monarchy Can Attempt to Abolish Sedition Law, What's Stopping India?’, The Wire, 24th October 2018, available at https://thewire.in/law/colonial-sedition-law-india-malaysia




  1. National Security Conversations, interviewed by Dr. Happymon Jacob, The Wire, 13 September 2020, available at https://thewire.in/video/watch-for-those-charged-with-sedition-the-process-itself-is-the-punishment
  2. ‘The majority of sedition charges today are legally unsustainable’, 16 July 2020, Interview published in Times of India, available at https://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/india/the-majority-of-sedition-charges-today-are-legally-unsustainable/articleshow/76997505.cms
  3. Interview published in LiveLaw, 21 April 2018, Book interview by V. Venkatesan (available at http://www.livelaw.in/persecution-name-sedition-finds-popular-acceptance-india-says-anushka-singh-author-recent-book-sedition-liberal-democracies/ )
  4. ‘Demystifying Sedition’, Interview published in Frontline, Print edition, 15 February 2019, (available at https://frontline.thehindu.com/cover-story/article26119560.ece )


Book Reviews:


  1. Book Review, 2023, A Constitution to Keep: Sedition and Free Speech in Modern India (Rohan J. Alva, HarperCollins), Biblio.
  2. Book Review, 2020, The Truth Machines: Policing, Violence and Scientific Investigation in India (JineeLokaneeta, Orient Blackswan), Mainstream.
  3. Book review, 2014,  Law and Social Transformation in India (Oliver Mendelson, OUP), Studies in Indian Politics, Sage, 2(2) 1–3, ISSN 2321-0230
  4. Book Review, 2012, Transnational Torture, Law, Violence and State Power in the United States and India (Jinee Lokaneeta, Orient Blackswan), Social Change, Vol. 42 No.  4, pp. 565-570. ISBN 978-81-321-0455-1