- Sedition in Liberal Democracies, 2018, Oxford University Press, Delhi.
Journal Articles
- The Lifeworld of Law: Methodological Multiplicity in Legal Pedagogy, 2023, Asian Journal of Legal Education,
- ‘The Law of the Executive: Sedition and its Political Functions’, 2022, Economic and Political Weekly, Vol. 57, Issue No. 26-27 (
- 'Sanction for prosecution in ‘Offences Against the State’ in India: The prerogative of the political and the withdrawal of the judicial', 2022, International Journal of Law, Crime and Justice, Volume 69 (June)100531
- ‘Towards a Political Etymology of Sedition’, 2021, Economic and Political Weekly, vol 56, no 32 (
- ‘Rajya ka Surksha Vimarsh Banam Loktantrik, Adhikar: Adalti Phaisle ke Aaine Mein Rajdroh Kanoon', 2013, Pratiman: Samay Samaj Sanskriti CSDS, Vani Prakashan, Delhi, July-December, Volume I, Issue 2.pp. 707-724. ISSN Number 2320-8201,
- ‘Criminalising Dissent, Consequences of UAPA’, 2012, Economic and Political Weekly, Vol. 47, no 38, pp. 14-18, available at
Book Chapters:
- ‘Law and Constitutional Democracy: Meanings, Iterations and Consequences’, 2020, in Roy and Becker (eds) Dimensions of Constitutional Democracy, India and Germany, Springer, 978-981-15-3899-5
- ‘Liberal democracy, advocacy of violence and criminal harm’, 2019, in Violence and
Democracy, London: British Academy, ISBN 9780856726369
- ‘Bharat me Atank Virodhi Kanoon 1,’ 2013, Samaj Vigyan Vishvakosh, Rajkamal Prakashan, , New Delhi, pp. 1091-1092, ISBN : 978-81-267-2587-8
- ‘Bharat me Atank Virodhi Kanoon 2’ 2013, Samaj Vigyan Vishvakosh, Rajkamal Prakashan, , New Delhi, pp. 1093- 1095, ISBN: 978-81-267-2587-8.
Popular articles:
- ‘As laws expand their reach in India, political freedoms shrink’, originally published under Creative Commons by 360info™, 30th August 2023,
- ‘Where anyone can be accused of sedition’ (co-authored), The Hindu (Print edition), 14th June 2023, available at
- Transitions in the vocabulary of political dissent at the commencement of the Republic, 2023, Pluralist Agreement and Constitutional Transformation (PACT)- Blog post, available at
- ‘Why Supreme Court must strike down sedition law entirely’, The Indian Express (print edition), 17th July 2021, available at
- ‘Who Shall Speak in the Times of the Coronavirus?’, The Wire, 4th April 2020, available at
- ‘Law as a Political Tool’, India Today, Issue: 16 March 2020
- ‘If Malaysia's Monarchy Can Attempt to Abolish Sedition Law, What's Stopping India?’, The Wire, 24th October 2018, available at
- National Security Conversations, interviewed by Dr. Happymon Jacob, The Wire, 13 September 2020, available at
- ‘The majority of sedition charges today are legally unsustainable’, 16 July 2020, Interview published in Times of India, available at
- Interview published in LiveLaw, 21 April 2018, Book interview by V. Venkatesan (available at )
- ‘Demystifying Sedition’, Interview published in Frontline, Print edition, 15 February 2019, (available at )
Book Reviews:
- Book Review, 2023, A Constitution to Keep: Sedition and Free Speech in Modern India (Rohan J. Alva, HarperCollins), Biblio.
- Book Review, 2020, The Truth Machines: Policing, Violence and Scientific Investigation in India (JineeLokaneeta, Orient Blackswan), Mainstream.
- Book review, 2014, Law and Social Transformation in India (Oliver Mendelson, OUP), Studies in Indian Politics, Sage, 2(2) 1–3, ISSN 2321-0230
- Book Review, 2012, Transnational Torture, Law, Violence and State Power in the United States and India (Jinee Lokaneeta, Orient Blackswan), Social Change, Vol. 42 No. 4, pp. 565-570. ISBN 978-81-321-0455-1