Associate Professor,
School of Business, Public Policy and Social Entrepreneurship
Dr.Anil has been a first class throughout her academic career. She earned her PhD, from the University of Lucknow, India in the area of Securitization & Structured Finance, in the year 2005 and is a UGC-NET certified in the area of management .She has also successfully done FDP from IIM (Ahmedabad) in 2009.She has also attended a month long orientation programme from Jamia Millia Islamia. She has also been associated as Research Associate with the Cambridge Centre For Alternate Finance, United Kingdom under their Global Internship Programme and has worked on a Special report by Cambridge Centre For Alternate Finance submitted to UNSGSA and Queen Maxima of the Netherlands. She has recently been invited to serve on the board of a Non-Banking Finance Company as an Independent Director.
Dr.Anil has been serving reputed B-schools where she has also handled important administrative assignments and has successfully guided two PhD scholars in the area of Corporate Finance and Micro Finance.
Dr.Kanwal joined Ambedkar University in 2012.Prior to that she has served at many other B-schools of repute in the arena of management education.
She has been working in regular appointments for the past 20 years and has served institutions like Lal Bahadur Shastri Institute of Management Delhi, IILM Gurgaon, Jaypee University ,Galgotias University etc.
Apart from regular teaching Dr.Anil has been handling both academic as well as administrative portfolios in her present as well as previous places of employment.
International Experience:
Editorial Board Member
Chapters in books
Conference Attended/ Paper Presentations
Workshops & Faculty Development Programmes Attended
Seminars/Workshop Conducted: