Faculty Profile


Dr. Kanwal Anil


Dr.Anil has been a first class throughout her academic career. She earned her PhD, from the University of Lucknow, India in the area of Securitization & Structured Finance, in the year 2005 and is a UGC-NET certified in the area of management .She has also successfully done FDP from IIM (Ahmedabad) in 2009.She has also attended a month long orientation programme from Jamia Millia Islamia. She has also been associated as Research Associate with the Cambridge Centre For Alternate Finance, United Kingdom under their Global Internship Programme and has worked on a Special report by Cambridge Centre For Alternate Finance submitted to UNSGSA and Queen Maxima of the Netherlands. She has recently been invited to serve on the board of a Non-Banking Finance Company as an Independent Director.

Dr.Anil has been serving reputed B-schools where she has also handled important administrative assignments and has successfully guided two PhD scholars in the area of Corporate Finance and Micro Finance.

Past Experience

Dr.Kanwal joined Ambedkar University in 2012.Prior to that she has served at many other B-schools of repute in the arena of management education.

She has been working in regular appointments for the past 20 years and has served institutions like Lal Bahadur Shastri Institute of Management Delhi, IILM Gurgaon, Jaypee University ,Galgotias University etc.

Apart from regular teaching Dr.Anil has been handling both academic as well as administrative portfolios in her present as well as  previous places of employment.


International Experience:

  • Session Chair, International Conference organised by International Academy of Business & Economics in Sept. 2007in Las Vegas, USA.
  • Session Chair, IMRA-IIMB International Conference, December 16-18, 2015, Indian Institute of Management, Bangaluru.
  • Session Chair, International Conference, BESSH-2017organised by Academic Fora, May 2017 in Sydney, Australia
  • Session Chair, International Conference, ICBESD-2018,21st-22nd February,2018 organised by Teri, at New Delhi, India.
  • Session Chair, International conference on Sustainable development a value chain perspective-SDVP 2018,MDI Murshidabad,7TH & 8th September,2018.
  • Associated as Research Associate with the Cambridge Centre For Alternate Finance, United Kingdom under their Global internship Programme.

My Zone / Area of Expertise

Editorial Board Member

  • Editorial Board Member with ‘Journal of Commerce and Accounting Research (ISSN:
  • 2277-2146)’.


  • Anil, K (2002): “The EVA Revolution”, Spandan, 1(1):14­­-17.
  • Anil, K (2003): “Small Scale Industries in the Liberalised Regime: counteracting the WTO challenges”, Srijan,2(1):39-42.
  • Anil, K and A Misra (2005): “Asset Securitisation-The Stakeholders’ Perspective”, RIMT Journal of Strategic Mgt. and Information Technology , II(1):115-123.
  • Misra, A and K Anil (2005): “Linkages between Economic Value Added And Share Prices-An Empirical Study of Indian Corporate Sector ICFAI Journal of Industrial Economics, II(4):30-57.
  • Anil, K (2007): “Asset securitization in India-The ignitive tool of the Indian capital Markets”, International Journal in Business Research, IJBR, VII(1):19-29.
  • Anil, K and S Kapoor (2007): “Relevance of information asymmetry models: A study of Indian information technology sector”, International Journal in Business Research, IJBR, II(1):1-9.
  • Misra, A and K Anil (2007): “Economic Value Added (EVA) as the most significant measure of financial performance: A study of select Indian firms”, Journal of International Business and Economics” (JIBE), VII(1):76-90.
  • Anil, K and S Kapoor (2008): “Relevance of smoothing and signalling approaches to dividend, a study of Indian FMCG Sector”, Business Perspective,10(1):13-22.
  • Anil, K and S Kapoor (2008): “Relevance of Signalling and Smoothing Approaches to Dividend: A study of Indian IT Sector”, Asia Pacific Business Review, VI(4):104-123.
  • Anil, K and Kapoor S  (2008): “Determinants of Dividend Payout Ratio: A study of Indian IT Sector”, International Research Journal of Finance &Economics, 15: 63-71.
  • Rai A ,K Anil and M Sharma (2010): “Financial sustainability of Micro finance Institutions: A new Model Approach”, Asia Pacific Business Review, VI(4):48-53.
  • Kapoor, S , K Anil and A Misra (2010): “Dividend Policy Determinants of Indian FMCG sector: A factorial analysis”, Journal of Modern Accounting and Auditing,6(9): 50-64.
  • Kapoor, S and K Anil (2010): “Leading determinants of dividend payout ratios-a study of Indian FMCG sector”, Paradigm, The Journal of IMT Ghaziabad, XIV(1): 63-71.
  • Kapoor, S and K Anil (2010): “Dividend Policy Determinants of Indian Services Sector: A factorial Analysis”, Management & Organisation, The University of Ghana Business School,15: 63-71.
  • Rai, A and K Anil (2011): “Financial Performance of Microfinance Institutions: Bank Vs NBFC”, International Journal of Management & Strategy (IJMS), II.
  • Participant Centred Learning: The Need of the Hour for Modern Day Classrooms, (Pg 14) , ETMA (Educational Technology and Management Academy), educational e-magazine, Vol. 1, No. 1, April 2013.
  • Gaba, N and K Anil (2016). A study on Satisfaction of Marketplace Vendors with the E-Commerce  Company’s Services. Viewpoint, An International Journal of management And Technology.7(1)
  • Anil, K (2018). “De-Globalisation and Impact of Brexit on Global Economy and SAARC nations”, International Journal Of Business Ethics in Developing Economies,Volume 7 Issue 1,June 2018.Impact factor:4.220
  • Anil, K (2018). “Qualitative Research on Issues and trends in the Bancassurance Model in India:An Interview Report”, International Journal Of Banking risk and Insurance, Volume 6, Issue 2, September 2018.Impact factor:5.201.

Chapters in books

  • Anil, K, A Misra and D Singh (2011): “Micro credit a tool for creating employment for the physically challenged citizens: A case of BPA’s Swayamsidhha Program in Gujarat” in Impact of Micro Finance in Enhancing Competitiveness And Growth of Rural Markets in India (Macmillian Publishers India Pvt. Ltd)
  • Rai, A and K Anil (2011): “Financial performance of Micro Finance Institutions”, in Financial Innovations for survival and growth (Global Alliance Publisher, Ghaziabad).
  • Anil, K (2013): “Social Entrepreneurs of India : The Harbingers of Social Change” in Managing inclusive growth: The Bottom up Approach for Harmonic Development. Pg328-336,Pragun Publication, Darya Ganj, New Delhi.

Seminar / Conferences

Conference Attended/ Paper Presentations

  • Anil, K (2018): “Teaching Innovations and emerging trends in Social Sciences”, Paper to be presented at International conference on “A culture of learning & Experimentation for fostering well-being: Some Lessons, Department of Economics, Bhagat Phool Singh Mahila Vishwavidyalaya , 17TH & 18th December, 2018.
  • Anil, K A Misra, (2018): “ESAF Microfinance: Walking the path of sustainable development through financial inclusion” Paper presented at International conference on Sustainable development a value chain perspective-SDVP 2018,MDI Murshidabad,7TH & 8th September,2018.
  • Anil, K (2018): “Digital Financial Inclusion in India: An Initiation towards Responsible Finance”, Paper presented at International conference on Sustainable development a value chain perspective-SDVP 2018, MDI Murshidabad, 7TH & 8th September, 2018.
  • Varshney, D K S, K Anil (2018). Teaching Innovations and emerging trends in Higher Education, The way forward: An interview Report. Paper presented at ICSSR sponsored National Seminar on “Emerging trends & Innovations in Teaching Education”, The Department of Education, School of Professional Studies, Sikkim University, Gangtok. 22nd -23rd March.
  • Anil, K (2018): “Digital Financial Inclusion in India: The Road to Sustainability”, Paper presented at International Conference on Business, Economics & Sustainable Development,(ICBESD 2018) February 22-23, 2018,Department of Business & Sustainability, TERI School of Advanced Studies, New Delhi.
  • Anil, K (2017). De-Globalization and the Impact of Brexit on the Global economy & SAARC nations. Paper presented in International Seminar on “Governance, Human Rights and Regional Cooperation in South Asia: Opportunities and Challenges of Globalization” organized by UGC-Human Resource Development Centre, Jamia Millia Islamia & UMIKS, University of Kashmir at Jamia Millia Islamia.19th -20th April.
  • Anil, K (2017). Peer to Peer Lending the way forward in Financial Inclusion: The Indian Experience. Paper presented in 10th International Conference on “Business, Economics, Social Sciences and Humanities”, Rydges Camperdown,Sydney,Australia,16th -17th May.
  • Anil, K, A Misra (2017). Financial Health and Sustainability of Micro Finance Institutions in India”. Paper presented in 10th International Conference on “Business, Economics and Social Sciences and Humanities”,Rydges Camperdown,Sydney,Australia,16th -17th May.
  • Anil, K (2017, December). Peerlend: Providing peer to peer lending solutions in India. Case presented at 3rd International Conference on Drifts in Business, Governance, and Societal Values: Conflicts and Challenges organised by IMI, Bhubaneshwar in collaboration with EGADE Business School Mexico, 8th-9th December 2017.
  • Anil, K (2017, December). The Indian Fabric of Peer to Peer Lending: Discovering three different weaves through Cases. Paper presented at 3rd International Management Conference on Inclusive Growth, Good Governance and Green Future organised by Fortune Institute of International Business, New Delhi in collaboration with Burgundy School of Business, Dijon France, 19th-20th December
  • Anil, K (2017, December). Current status and future prospects of Bancassurance in India : The Lender’s Perspective. Paper presented at International Conference on ‘Research and Business Sustainability’, organised by Department of Management Studies, Indian Institute Of Technology Roorkee in collaboration with Sheffiled Business School, United Kingdom & Waikato Management School New Zealand, 16th -17th December.
  • Anil, K (2015): “Social Entrepreneurship in India: A contemporary Case Analysis.” Paper presented at IMRA-IIMB International Conference, Inclusive Growth & Profits with Purpose: New Management Paradigm.
  • Anil, K (2015): “Payment banks and small finance banks in India: A primer. IMRA-IIMB International Conference, Inclusive Growth & Profits with Purpose: New Management Paradigm.
  • Anil, K (2013): “Harva: A case on Harnessing Value for sustainable development and Inclusive Growth in rural India.” Paper presented at World Finance Conference, Cyprus, 1st-3rd July .
  • Anil, K (2013): “Social Entrepreneurs of India : The Harbingers of Social Change.” Paper presented at IC2013 International Conference on “Managing inclusive growth: The Bottom up Approach for Harmonic Development” held at Indian Business Academy Greater Noida,15-16 March .
  • Kancharla,V. and Anil K. (2012): “CSR Models : few case studies from public and private sector companies of India.” Paper presented at International CSR Conference at IPE, Hyderabad 6th -7th December.
  • Anil, K and R Grover (2012): “Share Price Volatility around Dividend Declaration: An Empirical Study of the Indian Capital Market.” Paper presented at India Finance Conference held at IIM Calcutta,19-21 December .
  • Anil, K, R Grover and S Sahu (2012): “An Empirical Analysis of the Volatile Stock Behaviour at the event of Dividend Announcement: Evidence from Indian Capital Market (National Stock Exchange of India.” Paper presented at World Finance & Banking Symposium - Shanghai, China, 17-18 December.
  • Anil, K Anil Misra, A (2010): “BPA’s Swayamsiddha Micro credit Programme: A boon for the physically challenged women of Gujarat”, International conference on challenges to Inclusive growth in the emerging economies”, IIM Ahmedabad, December 15-17. (Poster presentation)
  • Rai, A Anil, K(2011) “ Financial Performance of Micro Finance Institutions: A new model approach” ,International conference on Financial innovation and change for survival and growth, MDI Gurgaon 7th and 8th January.
  • Anil, K, Misra, A and Singh, D (2010): “Micro credit a tool for creating employment for the physically challenged citizens: A case of BPA’s Swayamsidhha Program in Gujarat”, National conference on impact of micro finance in enhancing competitiveness and growth of rural markets in India,23rd December, Dept of Business Mgt. P.S.G.R Krishnammal College for women, Coimbatore.
  • Kapoor, S and Anil, K (2009): “Determinants of Corporate Dividend Policy in Indian Information Technology Sector: A factorial Analysis”, International Finance Conference, IIM Calcutta, December.
  • Anil, K (2007): “Asset securitization in India: The ignitive tool of the Indian capital Markets.” Paper presented at IABE Annual Conference, Las Vegas, USA, 14-17 October.
  • Kapoor, S and Anil, K (2007):“Relevance of information asymmetry models: A study of Indian information technology sector”, Paper presented at IABE Annual Conference, Las Vegas, USA, 14-17 October.
  • Anil, K ,Misra, A (2007):“Economic Value Added (EVA) as the most significant measure of financial performance: A study of select Indian firms”, Paper presented at IABE Annual Conference, Las Vegas, USA, 14-17 October.
  • Anil, K (2007): “Asset Securitisation– a unique financial instrument of the Indian Capital Markets”. First National Conference on “The Indian Capital Markets.-Emerging Issues”, IBS Gurgaon, 6th & 7th April .
  • Anil, K(2006): “Infrastructure Financing through unique financial Instruments-with specific reference to Securitisation”, Finance Conference, RIMT Institute of Information and Technology, Patiala 9th and 10th March.
  • Anil, K (2005): “Asset Securitisation-A catalyst in the Indian Financial Sector”, National Conference on New Challenges in the Indian Financial Sector, RIMT Institute of Information and Technology, Patiala, November.
  • Anil, K (2005): “Share Microfin-A case study on Micro Finance”, Conference on Entrepreneurship and women in India, Commerce Dept. University of Lucknow, 10th-11th February.
  • Anil, K, Misra, A (2005):“Linkages between Economic Value Added And Share Prices-An Empirical Study of Indian Corporate Sector” in a Conference on Research in Finance and Accounting at Indian Institute of Management, Lucknow, 17th & 18th March.

Workshops & Faculty Development Programmes Attended

  • Successfully completed a one week intensive MHRD GIAN programme on “The Development of Microfinance”, at Jamia Millia Islamia through 5th-9th Sept 2017.
  • Participated in a two day Inclusive Finance India Summit 2017 organised by ACCESS on 11th and 12th December 2017, New Delhi
  • Participated in a Conclave on Financial Inclusion organised by United Nations India at Taj Palace Hotel, New Delhi, 13 September 2017.
  • Attended a Case Method Teaching seminar offered by Harvard Business Publishing and IIM-A Case centre, 21st-22nd October 2016 at IIM Ahmedabad.
  • Attended Sa-Dhan's National Conference on "Financial Inclusion on Path to Sustainable Development Goals" held on 14th & 15th September - 2016 ,India Habitat Centre, New Delhi.
  • Attended a UGC-HRDC sponsored orientation programme at Jamia Millia Islamia, New Delhi from 28th July to 25th August 2015.Obtained “A” Grade.
  • International faculty Seminar organised by The University of Texas (UT) at Austin and Dell Social Innovation Challenge (DSIC) in collaboration with the Center for Social Entrepreneurship, School of Management and Labour Studies, Tata Institute of Social Sciences (TISS), Mumbai, 5th-7th September, 2012.
  • A week long “National workshop on Analytical Techniques for Research” organised by Global Network of Business Researchers, 28th April-4th May2012, Dalhousie.
  • Certified for successful completion of 31st FDP IIM Ahmedabad, 15th June -3rd Oct, 2009.
  • Attended 6 graded courses, 24 audit courses and 2 additional courses on Micro Finance and Social Entrepreneurship and also wrote and presented a case study on Micro Credit during the said period of FDP.
  • Attended a workshop on “Research Proposal and Report Writing”, (September 18, 2009) at IIM Ahmedabad.
  • Attended the 6th FDP Workshop on “Problem Based Learning” (24th &25th March, 2007) at JIIT, University Waknaghat.
  • Attended 5th FDP Workshop on ‘Self Realisation, Commitment and Excellence’ (July 11-15, 2006) at JIIT, University, NOIDA.
  • Attended a week long FDP organised by Magnus School of Business, Le Magnus University at their Hyderabad Centre from 11th-15th January 2005.
  • Attended a National Seminar on “Entrepreneurship Development of Women in India in Post –Liberalisation Era”, Dept. of Commerce, University of Lucknow, March 20, 2005, Paper presented –Empowerment of Rural women Entrepreneurs through Micro Finance –SHARE a Case study.
  • Attended QIP programme conducted by BHU on Strategizing Managerial Decisions, January 2001.
  • Faculty Development Programme (FDP) conducted by ICFAI on "Emerging Trends in Finance, Insurance and Business", June 2002.
  • Attended a seminar on “Innovations in Professional and Higher Education” organized by Career Makers, New Delhi.2000.

Seminars/Workshop Conducted:

  • Co-ordinated a two-day workshop on "Project Appraisal and Risk Analysis" at LBSIMDS 2003.
  • Co-ordinated a three day workshop on Communication Skills at LBSIMDS, 1999.
  • Conducted a 2 day workshop on “Accounting Sense for Small Scale Entrepreneurs” for Dep’t. of Khadi and Village Industries, Uttar Pradesh.
  • Conducted 1 day workshop on “Finance for the Non Finance Executive” for LIC, 2000.
  • Organised a one day Seminar on “Emerging Management Rainbow” in JBS, JIIT, Noida, 2007.
  • Conducted training for Middle level management of IBM Daksh, Cyber Park, Gurgaon on “Finance for the Non finance executive”.
  • Organised, Coordinated and moderated a CFO Conclave at SBPPSE,2016.
  • Organised a panel discussion titled, “Digital Financial Inclusion in India: a road to sustainability”, AUD, 16th Nov 2018.