Faculty Profile


Dr. Krishna Kalyan Dixit


PhD. (English Language Education) R. T. M. Nagpur University and M. Ed. (ELT: Trainer Development) Marjon/University of Exeter, UK.

Past Experience

Assistant Professor in Yeshwant College of Arts and Commerce, Seloo (R. T. M. Nagpur University, Nagpur) and Gondwana University, Gadchiroli.

My Zone / Area of Expertise

Krishna K Dixit has completed PhD on Teacher Motivation for Continuing Professional Development. He has MA in English Literature and MEd in ELT from The College of St. Mark and St. John(Marjon)/University of Exeter.  His areas of interest include teacher motivation, history of English language education in India, modern critical theory and bird watching.


  • International Association of Teachers of English as Foreign Language (IATEFL)
  • All India Network of English Teachers (AINET)
  • English Language Teachers’ Association of India (ELTAI)
  • Phi Delta Kappan


Hornby Trust award for studying Masters programme in the UK at Marjon/University of Exeter in 2006-07.


Padwad, A. & K. K Dixit (2012) Multiple stakeholders’ views on continuing professional development. In R. Bolitho & A. Padwad (Eds.) Continuing Professional Development: Lessons from India. New Delhi: British Council.

Padwad, A. and K. K. Dixit(2014) CPD Policy Think Tank – An innovative experiment in CPD thinking. In D. Hayes (Ed.) Innovations in the Continuing Professional Development of English Language Teachers. London: British Council.

Padwad, A. and K. K. Dixit (2015) Teacher Initiatives in professional development in India – The ETCs experience. In M. Beaumont & T. Wright (Eds.) The experience of second language teacher education. Basingstoke: Palgrave.

Dixit, K., V. Joshi and M. Mane (2015) (Eds.) English Language Education: Understanding Change. Nagpur: AINET.

Dixit, K., V. Joshi and M. Mane (2016) (Eds.) Exploring the Learners and Learning of Language. Nagpur: AINET.

Dixit, K. K. (2016) Teacher Motivation: A conceptual overview. AINET Occasional Papers No. 2. Bhandara: AINET. Available online at http://theainet.net/wp-content/uploads/2017/07/AINET-OP-2-Krishna-Dixit-Teacher-Motivation.pdf

Dixit, K. K. (2016) Towards understanding academic audit in Indian Higher Education system. Selections of NAAC Sponsored National Seminar on Academic & Administrative Audit. Wardha: Yeshwant Mahavidyalaya.

Padwad, A. and K. K. Dixit (2017) Teacher classroom behavior and teacher motivation. In A. Matt, D. Da Silva and T. Fellner (Eds.) Language Learning Motivation in Asia. Bristol: Multilingual Matters.

Padwad, A. and K. K. Dixit (2017) Coping with curriculum change: An Indian teacher’s perspective. In M. Wedell and L.Grassick (Eds.) International Perspectives on Teachers Living with Curriculum Change. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan.