Faculty Profile


Dr. Nitin Malik


He has done his Graduation, Post graduation with First class at both levels and Ph.D, all from University of Delhi, Delhi.

Past Experience

He started his career in academics as Lecturer in University Department in 1990 and then as Reader in University Department since 1999 to 2001, in the field of Anthropology, faculty of Life Sciences. In the year 2001 joined as Deputy Registrar at GGS IP University at Delhi. He was promoted to Joint Registrar in 2007 and has wide experience of holding Senior administrative positions as In charge (Conduct & Results)Examinations, In charge Affiliations, Personnel, Legal and RTI, In charge Academics and Academic Coordination and Student Support, Academic and Admissions at GGSIP University, New Delhi, a State University established by Govt. of NCT of Delhi with 12 University School and affiliation of 114 Colleges/Institutes offering various professional courses in Delhi and NCR region. He has been dealing with statutory bodies viz AICTE, UGC, MCI, DCI, Bar Council and NCTE, besides interaction at various levels of Govt. of NCT of Delhi primarily with Department of Higher Education & Department of Technical and Training Education, Govt. of NCT of Delhi, Delhi. Dr Nitin Malik has been a nominated member of the 4rth State Fee Regulatory Committee (SFRC) , Deptt of Higher Education, Govt of NCT of Delhi, New Delhi.

My Zone / Area of Expertise

Dr. Nitin Malik  has been nominated as Expert/Resource person in Higher Education in various facets of works in number of Universities and Institutes of Higher Learning in India, being nominated as member in various Selection committees and CAS of University teachers/Faculty as UGC Observer by University Grants Commission and Selection Committees of other Universities. He has also served as Observer for many national level Examination conducted by CBSE, UGC and other Universities etc., besides as member committee for Departmental Promotion committee (of UGC itself ) and to finalize the SC/ST Roaster of  UGC administrative cadre with distinguished other Members as nominated besides as member in various committees in the field of Higher Education.


  • Dr. Malik has vast international and national exposure of Higher Education at National and International Level which includes official visits to various Universities and Institutes of repute in countries like USA, Switzerland, France etc. He was also nominated as Officer along with Registrar of GGSIP University and received The Platinum Technology Award for Quality and Best Trade Name by OMAC – Association Otherways Management & Consulting, Paris, France on December 20, 2010 on behalf as awarded for the Guru Gobind Singh Indraprastha University.
  • He has also been honoured with Radhakrishnan Award on academic achievement by a prestigious social organization. Various National and State chapters of Social organizations and Clubs have honoured him for his contribution in the field of Higher Education.
  • Last Year 2017-18, Dr Nitin Malik has been honoured with Mahtama Hansraj Samman Award for his notable contribution in Higher Education to Society, conferred by Hansraj College, University of Delhi.



  • at Department of Anthropology, Emory University, Atlanta, USA, Aug 31-Sept.14,1998. (Under Prof. Carol Warthman, Director Laboratory for Comparative Human Biology, Emory University, Georgia, USA).
  • at Department of Pediatrics, School of Medicine, Emory University, Atlanta, USA, Aug. 1998 (Under the guidance of Dr. Rajeev Kumar).
  • at Department of International Health, Rollins School of Public Health, Emory University, Atlanta, USA, Sept.18- Nov. 13, 1998. (Under Prof. Reynaldo Martorell & Dr. Usha Ramakrishnan).


  • at Emory University, Atlanta, Georgia, USA “Blood Typing, Hemoglobinopathesis and Socio-Cultural Factors as Markers of Health Status in Anthropological Studies”, at Department of Anthropology, Emory University, Georgia, USA (Sept. 14 to Sept. 18, 1998).
  • at Barkatullah University, Bhopal, India. “An Anthropological Approach Towards Health Status of a Tribal Population Group’’ at Hal Dane Congress Series, Department of Genetics, Barkatullah University, Bhopal, Madhya Pradesh, India (Feb. 8-9, 2000).


  • “6 th Refresher Course in Criminology and Forensic Sciences”, 21 Days Course (Nov. 1st – Nov. 21, 2001) at National Institute of Criminology and Forensic Sciences, Ministry of Home Affairs, Govt. of India, New Delhi, India.
  • “Comprehensive Training Course for Teachers, Introduction to Computers (Nov. 1 to Nov. 30, 1999) at Department of Computer Sciences, Pt. Ravishankar S. University, Raipur, India.
  • “Research Methodology in Social Sciences”, 21 Days Workshop Course (Oct. 14- Nov.3, 1996) Madhya Pradesh Council of Science and Technology Workshop, School of Studies in Regional Studies, Pandit Ravishankar S. University, Raipur, India.
  • “II nd Refresher Course in Criminology and Forensic Sciences”, 21 Days Course (Sept. 3- Sept.23, 1996) at National Institute of Criminology and Forensic Sciences, Ministry of Home Affairs, Government of India, New Delhi, India.
  • “Orientation Course in Higher Education”, 28 days Course (Mar. 11-April 7, 1994) Centre for Professional Development in Higher Education, University of Delhi, Delhi, India


  • Principal Investigator Title – “Tribal Health Status- Genetic and(Dr. Nitin Malik) Socio-Cultural Determinants of Health among Kamars, A Primitive Tribal Group of Madhya Pradesh”. 3 Year Research Grant Provided by Madhya Pradesh Council of Science and Technology, Govt. of M.P., Bhopal, India (1997 – 2000).


  • International Conferences
    • Tribal Health Status on Socio-cultural and Genetic Determinants- A Study Among Kamars, An Identified Primitive Tribal Group of Raipur District in Madhya Pradesh,” in Commission on Urgent Anthropological Research at 14th International Congress of Anthropological and Ethnological Sciences, College of William & Mary, Williamsburg, USA, Jul.26-Aug.1, 1998
  • National Conferences/Seminars
    • "Kamars, an Identified primitive Tribal Group of Chhattisgarh – Few Considerations on Holistic Development”, at National Seminar on Tribes in Crises: Bio-cultural Perspective, School of Studies in Anthropology, Pt. Ravishankar S. University, Raipur, Chhattisgarh, India, November 28-30, 2006.
    • "Issues and Strategies of Better Health management in Tribal India – Anthropological Aspects of Health Status of Kamars, A Primitive Tribal Group of Chhattisgarh”, at National Seminar on Current Trends in Ethnographic and Ethno archaeological Researches on Tribes of Chhattisgarh and Neighbouring States, jointly organized by S.O.S. in Anthropology, Pt. Ravishankar S. University, Raipur, Chhattisgarh and Indira Gandhi Rashtriya Manav Sangrahalaya, Bhopal, Madhya Pradesh, at Raipur, Chhattisgarh, India, Feb. 25-27, 2004.
    • “Mother Child health care and existing health care facilities among Kamars – An Identified PTG of Madhya Pradesh”, at National Seminar on Anthropology at the turn of the Century, Department of Anthropology, Punjab University, Chandigarh, India, Feb. 24-25, 1999.
    • “Cultural Complexity among Kamar Tribal Group” (in Hindi), at Annual Convention of Madhya Pradesh Ithias Parishad, Sagur University, Madhya Pradesh, India, Mar.23-24, 1998 (with Mohan Sahu).
    • “Indigenous Health Practices and Utilization of Existing Health Care Services Among Kamars- An Identified Primitive Tribal Group of Madhya Pradesh,”at National seminar on Anthropology  Retrospect and Prospect, Department of Anthropology, University of Delhi, India, Mar.16-18, 1998.
    • “X- Autosomal Translocation: A Female Patient with 46, X, t (2;X)(q37; q25) Chromosome Complement,” at 84th Indian Science Congress, Delhi, India, Jan. 3-8, 1997.
    • “The Colour, Form and Medullary Structure Variation of Scalp Hair Among the Rajputs of JaunsarBawar of Dehradun District in Uttar Pradesh,” at 80th Indian Science Congress, Goa, India, Jan. 3-8, 1993.
    • “Some Personality Correlates Among Kamars- A Tribal Population of Madhya Pradesh,” at 29th Annual Conference of Indian Academy of Applied Psychology, S.V. University, Tirupati, India, Feb. 3-5, 1992.
    • “Changed Economy in Disturbed Physical Environment- A Case Study of Tribal Population of Timanpur Village in Raipur District,” at 78th Indian Science Congress, Vadodra, India, Jan. 3-8, 1992.
    • “Hair- the Medullary Structure Variation among the Rajputs of Jaunsar,” MPCST National Science Day Seminar, Ravishankar University, Raipur, India, Feb. 28, 1990


  • International
    • Malik, Nitin (2001), “Tribal Health Status on Socio-Cultural and Genetic Determinants – A study among Kamars, an identified Primitive Tribal group of Raipur District in Madhya Pradesh, India”.  Bulletin of the International Committee on Urgent Anthropological and Ethnological Research, Vienna, Austria, Vol. 40, pp.141-148.
  • National
    • Choudhary, Chiranjiv and Nitin Malik (1997), “Blood Groups among the Khasa Rajputs ofJaunsar-Bawar, Uttar Pradesh,” Journal of Human Ecology, vol.8 (3), pp. 225.
    • Malik, Nitin (1996), “Coping with Disturbed Physical Environment- A Study on Primitive Tribal Group, the Kamars of Madhya Pradesh in India,” Man and Life, vol.22 (1&2), pp. 43-47.
    • Sharma, Vinod K. and Nitin Malik (1993), “A Note on Health Seeking Behaviour among the Kamars- A Primitive Tribe,” Man in India, vol.73 (4), pp. 415-416.
    • Malik, Nitin and C.S. Singhrol (1992), “Data on ABO and Rhesus Blood Groups among KamarsA Primitive Tribal Population of Madhya Pradesh,” Journal of Human Ecology, vol.3 (3), pp. 229- 230.
    • Malik, Nitin (1992), “Inseparable Tribal and Forest- an Analysis on Parallel Development,” Man and Life, vol.18 (1&2), pp. 63-67.
    • Malik, Nitin and M.P. Sachdeva (1992), “Somatoscopy of Head Hair among Jaunsari Rajputs of
    • Dehradun District, Uttar Pradesh-A Brief note,” Journal of Ravishankar University, vol.4-5, pp. 23- 26.


  • Malik, Nitin (1998), “Inseparable Tribal and Forest- A Case Study of Kamar Tribal Group of
  • Raipur District in Madhya Pradesh,”. Contemporary Studies in Human Ecology, ed. M. K. Bhasin,