Faculty Profile


Dr. Nivedita Sarkar


  • Ph.D. (Economics of Education), National University of Educational Planning and Administration (NUEPA), New Delhi.. [Dissertation Title: ‘The Economics of Participation in Higher Education”].
  • M. Phil. (Economics of Education), National University of Educational Planning and Administration (NUEPA), New Delhi. [Dissertation Title: ‘Higher Education and Labour Market in West Bengal’].
  • B.Ed (Economics), University of Calcutta.
  • M.Sc. (Economics), University of Calcutta.
  • B.Sc. (Economics), University of Calcutta.

Past Experience

  • Guest Faculty, Department of Economics, P.G.D.A.V. Evening College, University of Delhi, 2018.
  • Researcher at the Centre for Policy Research in Higher Education in National University of Educational Planning and Administration (NUEPA), New Delhi (2017-18).
  • Project Associate, National Institute of Public Finance and Policy (NIPFP), New Delhi (2007 - 2008).

My Zone / Area of Expertise

Area of Specialization:

Economics of Education, Financing of Education, Higher Education, Educational Policy, Development Economics.


Quantitative Research Method, Education and Development, Introductory Statistics in Education, State, Society and Education


  • Ministry of Human Resource Development (MHRD) Fellowship for Ph.D. and M.Phil.
  • Merit Scholarship (State Government of West Bengal).



  • “Labour Market Regulations: What do we know from theory?” (with Anamitra Roychowdhury) in “Contemporary Reforms of Labour market and Industrial Relations System in India” ed. by K.R. Shyam Sundar, Academic Foundation, New Delhi, 2018 (ISBN: 9789332704527).
  • “Inequalities in Participation in Higher Education in India: Role of Household Characteristics” in “Emerging Challenges of Globalization and Development” ed. by, Surinder Kumar and Fahimuddin, Rawat Publication, New Delhi, 2017 (ISBN: 9788131608845)
  • The Linage between Household and Government expenditure: Examining the Indian Case” in Journal of Community Positive Practices, 2017 (3).
  • “Determinants of Household Expenditure in Higher Education”, International Education and Research Journal, Vol. 3, No. 6, June 2017.
  • “Massification of Higher Education in India” (with N.V. Varghese), Centre for Policy Research in Higher Education (CPRHE) research paper, 2017.
  • The Linkage between Household and Government Expenditure on Higher Education”, SSRN Working paper, 2015. Available on. SSRN: https://ssrn.com/abstract=3002461 or http://dx.doi.org/10.2139/ssrn.30024616.
  • “Higher Education and Labour Market in West Bengal”, Journal of Educational Planning and Administration, Vol.XXIV, No.4, October 2010.
  • “A Case against Curtailing Public Subsidies in Higher Education”, Vikalp, August, 2014.

Forthcoming Publications

  • “Factors Influencing Household Expenditure on Private Tutoring in Higher Education” (with Anuneeta Mitra) in “Futures if Higher Education” ed. by Shudhanshu Bhushan from Springer.

Seminar / Conferences

  • “How much Household Spends in Higher Education: Unpacking Implications on Participation” paper presented in International Webiner on Organised Higher Academics in South Asia: Changing Perspectives organized by Sarsuna College, University of Calcutta, in collaboration with Indian Council of Social Science Research (ICSSR), Rabinbra Bharati University (RBU), Hyderabad Central University (HCU) and Ambedkar University Delhi (AUD), 25-26 February, 2019.
  • Invited participant at the International Seminar on ‘Employment and Employability of Higher Education Graduates’ organised by the Centre for Policy Research in Higher Education and British Council at India Habitat Centre, New Delhi, 19-20 February, 2019.
  • “Household Spending in Higher Education in India: Some Reflections from National Sample Survey Data” paper presented in the National Seminar on ‘Shifting Paradigm in Education Financing – Concerns of Quality, Equity and Employability’ at National Institute of Educational Planning and Administration, New Delhi, 13-14 December, 2018.
  • “Who Completes Secondary Education in India: Examining Role of Individual and Household Characteristics” presented an invited paper in the National Seminar on Universalisation of Secondary Education organised by the Council for Social Development at India International Centre, New Delhi, 14-15 July, 2018.
  • “Factors Influencing Household Expenditure on Private Tutoring in Higher Education: A Tobit Analysis” (with Anuneeta Mitra) paper presented in The Futures of Higher Education: Economic and Social Contexts at the National University of Educational Planning and Administration, Organized in the Centenary Year of the Indian Economic Association, September 7-8, 2017.
  • “What Determines the Household Expenditure on College Going Students in India?” paper presented at the 38th Indian Social Science Congress on Knowledge Systems, Scientific Temper and the Indian People, Andhra University, Visakhapatnam, Andhra Pradesh, March 29-April 02, 2015.
  • “Participation in Higher Education in India: Role of Household Characteristics and Labour Market Signal” paper presented in International Conference of Comparative Education Society of India (CESI), New Delhi, 16-18 November,2014.
  • “Inequalities in Participation in Higher Education in India: Role of Household Characteristics” paper presented in Second Northern Regional Social Science Congress, Giri Institute of Development Studies, Lucknow, February 27 - March 1, 2014.
  • “Determinants of Household Expenditure on Higher Education in India”, paper accepted in International Conference on Education, Diversity and Democracy by Comparative Education Society of India (CESI), New Delhi, 28-30 December, 2013.
  • “Household Investment in Higher Education in India – Some reflections from NSS 64th Round Data”, paper accepted in International Conference on Re-imagining Comparative Education organised by Comparative Education Society of India (CESI), New Delhi, 10-12 October, 2012.
  • International conference on Indian Education: A Positive Turmoil organized by Educational Technology and Management Academy, New Delhi, February 2011.
  • “Public Expenditure in Higher Education and its Distributional Effect: Is there any Rationale for Cutting subsidies?” paper presented in Sixth Young Scholar Program on Human Development, Indira Gandhi Institute of Development Research, Mumbai, 9-21 November, 2009.
  • Participated in International Seminar on “Quality School Education for All” organized by NUEPA March 2009.
  • Participated in Regional and Sub Regional International Conference on “New Dynamics of Higher education” South Asia and Central Asia organized by Ministry of Human Resource Development Government of India (Hosted by NUEPA) 25-26 February, 2009.
  • Participated in the ‘Workshop on Database on Indian Economy’, organised by the Centre for Social Science Research Method (AUD) in collaboration with Economic and Political Weekly Research Foundation (EPWRF) at India International Centre, 20 July, 2018.
  • Invited resource person in the ‘Workshop on Identification of Subject Wise Resources for Teachers’ organised by the National Resource Centre for Education (MHRD) at NIEPA, New Delhi, 24-25 May, 2018.
  • Invited speaker in the ‘Workshop on Higher Education in India’ organised by Anveshan, 14 April, 2018.