- 2003. Economic Globalization Today. Bangalore: Books for Change.
Book Chapters:
- 2022. ‘Dholera: The Emperor’s New City.’ In Kennedy, L. and A. Sood (eds.) India's Greenfield Urban Future. Hyderabad: Orient Blackswan Private Limited.
- 2020. ‘Make in India: Hindu Nationalism, Global Capital and “Jobless Growth.”’ In Maskovsky, J. and S. Bjork-James (eds.) Beyond Populism: Angry Politics and the Twilight of Neoliberalism. Morgantown: West Virginia University Press.
- 2019. ‘Land-grabs and Dispossession in India: The Laws of Value.’ In Cullet, P. and S. Koonan (eds.) Research Handbook on Environment, Law and Poverty. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar.
- 2018. 'India's Land Impasse: Infrastructure, Resistance and Rent.' Lawson, V. and S. Elwoood (eds.). Relational Poverty Politics: Forms, Struggles, and Possibilities. Athens: University of Georgia Press.
- 2017. ‘Infrastructures of Growth, Corridors of Power: The Making of the Special Economic Zones Act 2005.’ Political Economy of Contemporary India. In Motiram, S. and R. Nagaraj (eds.). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
- 2005. with Nikhil Dey. ‘Bare Acts and Collective Explorations: The MKSS Experience with the Right to Information.’ Sarai Reader 2005. Sarai: Delhi.
Research Papers:
- 2016. With Simi Sunny. 'Land-pooling for Dholera Smart City.' Socio-Legal Review. 12 (2): 1-17.
- 2016. 'Dholera: The Emperor's New City.' Economic and Political Weekly. 51(17): 59- 67.
- 2016. 'India's Land Impasse.' SEMINAR. 682: 48-52.
- 2015. ‘The Goan Impasse: Land Rights and Resistance to SEZs in Goa.’ Journal of Peasant Studies. 42(3): 765-90.
- 2013. ‘The Goan Impasse: Land Rights and Resistance to SEZs in Goa.’ LDPI Working Paper Series. Available at
- 2013. ‘Limits to Absolute Power: Eminent Domain and the Right to Land in India.’ Economic and Political Weekly. 48(19): 40-52.
- 2012. With Sujith Koonan. ‘Delhi Water Supply Reforms: Public-Private Partnerships or Privatisation?’ Economic and Political Weekly. 47(17): 32-9.
- 2010. ‘Special Economic Zones in India: Reconfiguring Displacement in a Neoliberal Order?’ City and Society. 22(2): 166-82.
- 2008. ‘Special Economic Zones in India.’ Economic and Political Weekly. 43(28): 25- 9.
- 2007. ‘‘Swa’-jal-dhara or ‘Pay’-jal-dhara—Sector Reform and the Right to Drinking Water in Rajasthan and Maharashtra.’ Law, Environment and Development Journal. 3(2): 103-25.
- 2007. ‘Swajaldhara or “Pay”-jal-dhara: Right to Drinking Water in Rajasthan.’ Economic and Political Weekly. 42(52): 102-10.
- 2007. ‘In Search of the ‘Un’common Woman in Laxman’s Cartoons.’ Economic and Political Weekly. 42(6): 484-6.
Book Reviews:
- 2020. [Review of The Archive of Loss: Lively Ruination in Mill Land Mumbai, by M. Finkelstein]. American Ethnologist. DOI: 10.1111/amet.12952]
- 2018. [Review of On Pauperism in Present and Past, by J. Breman]. Contributions to Indian Sociology. 52(1): 102-105.
- 2014. ‘On the Land Question in 21st Century India.’ [Review of The Price of Land: Acquisition Conflict Consequence, by S. Chakravorty]. Economic and Political Weekly. 49(10): 30-3.
- 2015. Dholera Smart City: Urban Infrastructure or Rentier Growth? Policy Report No. 13. Chennai: The Hindu Centre for Politics and Public Policy.
- 2001. with Vimal Bhai. Testimonies from the Ground: A Report on the Tehri Dam. Delhi: South Asia Network on Dams Rivers and People.
- 1998. with S. Parasuraman et. al. Socio-Economic Effects of the Maheshwar Hydro- Electric Project on River Narmada. Mumbai: TISS.
Newspaper and Magazine Articles:
- 2022. ‘Protests Over Land Mount Against Ahmedabad-Dholera Expressway.’ The Wire. February 5.
- 2017. 'This Land is Their Land.' The Hindu. January 31.
- 2015. Why Dholera's Farmers are Resisting Giving Up Their Land for a Shining, Smart City.' The Wire. December 18.
- 2015. ‘Revisiting the SEZ Story.’ The Hindu Businessline Ink. April 11.
- 2015. ‘Growth for few, Loss for Many.’ The Hindu. March 28.
- 2015. ‘Kiske Aayenge Acche Din? [Good Days for Whom?]’ Rashtriya Sahara Hastkshep. February 28.
- 2013. ‘A Historic Act Replaced.’ Yojana. November.
- 2008. ‘The Discourse on Displacement and Development.’ Newsletter of the Society for Applied Anthropology. 19(3): 14-5.