International Seminar
- International Seminar and Workshop on Reorganizing of Storage October – 2004, ICCROM with NRLC, BHU Varanashi,
- International workshop on Asian Regional Cooperation conference December 2008, Delhi.
- International Conference on “Rock Art Heritage” IGNCA, New Delhi,2012
- International Conference on reorganizing of Storage of Museum, April 2013
- International Seminar on “MahabharatManthan- a critical revisit to the Tangible and Intangible Heritage” , IGANCA, New Delhi, by Draupdi Trust, Sept. 2017
National Seminar
- Indian Museum and Material Integration, Delhi, July 2006.
- Participated in the National Seminar on “Contribution on Nalanda to World Culture”, New Delhi-2005
- “Hazards faced by records in Tropical climate and remarks”, National Archive of India (NAI)Lucknow 2007.
- “Conservation and Management of VikramshilaMonastery”, Vikramshila Mahotsava,2008
- “Conservation of Illustrated Manuscript”, NationalMuseum, NewDelhi, March 2010.
- “Study and Inspection of Monuments of Ramgarh fort (Rajasthan),Feb,2011.
- “Technical up gradation of Museum, National Museum Association of India, Patna (Bihar),Dec,2012
- National conference on “Museum Security, IGNCA, New Delhi, Feb, 2013.
- “Sacred space as a living History Museum” Museums Association of India, Jan2017. Ahmedabad, Gujarat .
- National conference on “Environment and Cultural Property” Nov. IASC, Delhi 2016.
Workshop conducted (NRLC ,Lucknow and VRI, Vrindavan ) including
- Conservation of Paper manuscripts, DIHRM, Conservation Lab. Dec. 2003.
- Conservation of Birch bark manuscripts, DIHRM, Nov. 2003
- Restoration of incised palm leaf of south India, DIHRM, Nov. 2003.
- Heritage Management and Restoration strategy of a large collection of Mr. Fried Pinn (U.K) before exhibition in Delhi, Teen Murthi, Oct. 2003.
- Restoration of Scroll Painting, Teen MurtiBhawan, Oct. 2003
- Documentation and Restoration of Land Acquisition, Records of Delhi District ,South West,Govt of NCT,Delhi.2018
- Preventive Conservation of Land Acquisitions Records of Delhi ,South Delhi, Govt. of NCT 2019