- An Assessment of Livelihood and Working Conditions of Industrial Workers in Delhi: A Case study of Narela Industrial Estate, Manpower Journal ,National Institute of Labour Economics Research and Development, (An Autonomous Institute under NITI Aayog) , LII, 31-52 (2018)
- Understanding life work of migrant industrial workers in contemporary city of global South: Bridging urban development with precarity in labour market, Journal of Migration Affairs, II(1), 91-112, (2019)
- Struggles of Housing and Livelihoods: Displaced Urban Settlers in a Peripheral Industrial Region of Delhi, Urban India, NIUA , 39(2), 96-112 (2019)
- From Spaces of Work to Spaces of Struggle: A case study of NOIDA domestic workers, City, Culture and Society (Elsevier), 20, (2020)
- ‘Waste’ to ‘use’? Making of ‘Narela’ in periphery of Delhi metropolis, GeoJournal (Springer) , 80, 2105-2117, (2020)
- “’Engels’ ‘Proletarisation’ and ‘Great Towns’ vis-à-vis Dispossession, and Gendered Work in an Informal Economy", Human Geography, (SAGE)14(20) (2021 )
- Co-authored (Second author with Prof. Babu P. Remesh) Small Jobs, Big Worries: Insecurities of Gig Work in the Time of Pandemic, Journal of Development Policy Review (JDPR) (1) 24-43 (2021)
- Mobility, Translocality and Social Reproduction during COVID 19: A case study of migrant workers in the Narela Industrial Estate, Delhi, Social Change, (SAGE), 52(2), 223-238 (2022)
- “Changing Scenario of Indian Labour and New Labour Codes: A Critical Analysis” Co-authored (first author with Prof. Babu P. Remesh), Christ University Law Journal, 10(2) 1-18 (2022).
Other than Journal Articles:
- Displacement and livelihood of industrial workers on the periphery of Delhi: Case study of workers in Narela Industrial Estate, The Leaflet, 2nd May 2022
- Why stone-carving industry in Rajasthan should be identified as hazardous, The Leaflet, 4th December 2021.
- Displacement: Narratives of Contestations and Negotiations”, GenderEd2022 Blogathon, University of Edinburgh and Dr B.R Ambedkar University Delhi. 30th November 2022
- Working paper prepared on ‘Urban Livelihood Programme for Informal Workers: Livelihood Challenges for Informal Workers’ for INHAF.