Liason Officer, Persons with Disability since 10 February 2016 at Ambedkar University, Delhi.
Papers Presented and Conferences Attended
- Presented a paper titled ‘Life-writing and the Disabled Self: Discourses on Subjectivity at the Storytelling, Illness and Medicine: 11th Global Meeting of the Health Project held at Budapest, Hungary from 14-16 March 2016.
- Presented a paper titled ‘Reading Text, Reading Margins : A Disability Perspective’ at the Department of English, Kirori Mal College, University of Delhi held on 10th & 11th March 2016.
- Chaired a panel discussion on “Navigating Gender” for the Women and Gender Studies Cell Society at St. Stephen’s College, University of Delhi on 27 March 2015.
- Presented a paper titled “Visualising the Unseen: Using Sensory Substitution to Visualise Imagery” at the International Conference on Text and Technology at St. Stephen’s College, University of Delhi on 28 February 2014.
- Presented a paper titled “Reading the Outcast: Shifting Discourse in Disability from Charity and Welfare to Rights and Entitlement” at Shri Guru TeghBahadurKhalsa College, University of Delhi on 25 February 2014
- Presented a paper ‘Exploring the Unexplored: Situating Disability Studies in the contemporary time’ at the International Conference on ‘Globalization, Higher Education and Disability’ in Bangalore University, Karnataka, 3-5 February 2011.
- Presented a paper at the American Library, New Delhi on the theme “Kinship with King: Dreams for a Democracy”, February 25, 2009.
- Attended the conference “Techshare International” as an invited member at the Indian Habitat Centre on Technological Advancement for Visually Challenged in February 2008.
- Lecture titled “Introducing Disability Discourse and Concepts” at the Key Concepts and Critical Thinking Series Course organised at St. Stephen’s College, University of Delhi on 13 September 2014