School of Development Studies
School of Development Studies
Major areas of research:
Gender, Work and Family, Labour Market behaviour of women and men in South Asia, Industrial Organization and Institutions
Major research projects handled:
Academic Achievements
A select research publications
Published Books
1. Women, Labour and the Economy in India: From Migrant Male Servants to Uprooted Girl Chilren Maids. (2016) (with Ishita Chakravarty), Routledge, London, New York.
2. Expansion of Markets and Women Workers in India: A Case Study of Selected Garment Manufacturing Firms in Andhra Pradesh(2011), LAP Lambert Academic Publishers, Germany.
Papers published in refereed Journals available from Jstor, Science Direct or from the websites of IIM (Korikode), LSE and SOAS, University of London
1.'Labour Market under Trade Liberalisation: Issues Concerning Re-allocation', 1999, Economic and Political Weekly[1], (the professional ranking of EPW is given in FN 1) Vol. 34, No.48:.M163 - M168.
2.‘Work Organization and Employment Contracts: Technological Modernization in Textile Firms’, 2002, Economic and Political Weekly, Vol.37, No.8:743 - 749.
3.‘Energy and Labour Use in Industry: A Study of Andhra Pradesh’, 2003, Economic and Political Weekly, Vol. 38, No. 36: 3801- 3805.
4. ‘Expansion of Markets and Women Workers: A case of Indian Garment Manufacturing’, 2004, Economic and Political Weekly, Vol. 39, No. 46: 4910-4916.
5 ‘Gender Questions in Economics’, Khnoj Ekhon (in Bangla), 2003, September, A biyearly journal on gender studies, published from Calcutta.
6. ‘Women Workers, Entrepreneurs and Behavioral Rationale: A case of Indian garment manufacturing’, 2005, Indian Journal of Labour Economics. Vol.48, No.1:101-113.
7. ‘Labour Arrangements and Bargaining Outcomes Under different Market Conditions’, 2006, Indian Journal of Labour Economics, Vol.49, No.1: 121-131.
8. ‘Growing Services: An Intersectoral Analysis of State Level Data’, 2006: Economic and Political Weekly, vol.41, No. 29:3061-3067.
9. ‘Docile Oriental Women and the Organized Labour: A case of an Indian garment export park’, 2008, Indian Journal of Gender Studies, Vol. 14, No.3: 439-460, Sage Publications, Los Angeles/ London/ New Delhi/ Singapore.
10. ‘Skilled Labour Specificity and the Pure Theory of International Trade: An Application to the Indian Information Technology Sector’, 2008, Journal of Economic Asymmetries, Elsevier, Vol.5, No. 2: 27-37, AFP, Canada (with B. Batavia and P. Nandakumar).
11. ‘Girl Children in the Care Economy: Domestics in West Bengal’, 2008, Economic and Political Weekly, Vol. 43, No. 48:93-100 (with Ishita Chakravarty).
12. ‘Trade Unions and Business Firms: Unorganized manufacturing in West Bengal’, 2010. Economic and Political Weekly. Vol. 45, No. 6: 45-52.
13 “For Bed and Board Only”: Women and Girl Children Domestics in Post Partition Calcutta (1951-1981)’ , Modern Asian Studies , Cambridge University Press, Vol.47, Issue 2 (March, 2013) (with Ishita Chakravarty).
14. Industry, Labour and the State: Emerging Relations in the Indian State of West Bengal’ , Journal of South Asian Development, Sage Publications, (October, 2011) Vol 6, No. 2.(with Indranil Bose).
15 Lack of Economic Opportunities and Persistence of Child Marriage in West Bengal. Indian Journal of Gender Studies 25.2 (2018): 180-204.
A select Papers published in edited Books:
16. ‘Industry: Policy and Performance’ 2003, in C.H Hanumantha Rao and S. Mahendra Dev (eds.) Andhra Pradesh Development : Economic Reforms and Challenges Ahead, Centre for Economic and Social Studies and Monohar, Hyderabad.
17. ‘Nritya Shilpi Jakhon Samaj Bignani’, 2005, (in Bangla) in I. Chakravarty , B. Pain and K. Bandyopadhya (eds.) Naishobdo Bhenge , Stree together with Khnoj Akhon, Kolkata.
18. ‘Industrializing West Bengal? A cases of Institutional Stickyness’ (2013) in Kunal Sen (ed.), State Business Relations in Africa and India, Routledge, New York, London (with Indranil Bose).
19. ‘Girl Children in the Care Economy: Domestics in West Bengal’, (reprint) (2012) in Padmini Swaminathan (ed.), Women and Work essays from Economic and Political Weekly, Orient Black Swan (with Ishita Chakravarty).
21. ‘Calcutta’s Domestic Workers: Migrant Women and Girl Children’, in Kolkata in Space, Time and Imagination: Rethinking of Heritage to be published by Humboldt University, Berlin along with History Department of Jadavpur University (forthcoming).
22. ‘Schooling, Work and Marriage: The Indian Girl Children’ in Samita Sen (ed.) ‘Early Marriage in India Stree (forthcoming)
Working Papers
Apart from these published academic work Deepita has a large number of working papers and background papers published from Centre for Economic and Social Studies, Hyderabad, Centre for Studies in Social Sciences, Kolkata, Indian Institute of Magement, Korzhikode, School of Oriental and African Studies, London, The World Bank, Delhi. All these are downloadable from the websites of these institutes and universities.