Such other information as may be prescribed
Section 4(1)(b)(xvii)]
Any citizen, who desires to obtain information under the RTI Act, 2005 may apply to the Central Public Information Officer/Central Assistant Public Information Officer on a plain paper giving particulars of information being sought for along with his/her address, telephone, no, etc. for communication by the Public Information Officer/Public Authority. The application is required to be accompanied by the requisite fee of Rs 10/per application towards the cost of processing the request for information. The fee may be paid in cash against proper receipt with the Assistant Registrar (Finance) of the Ambedkar University, Delhi or through a Banker cheque or D.D. drawn in favour of the Controller of Finance, University. However, persons belonging to Below Poverty Line (BPL) are exempt from payment of such fee. The schedule of fees as prescribed by the appropriate authority is as follows: