The Planning Board
The Board of Management in its 24th meeting held on 24.07.2018 resolved to approve the following as Statute of the Planning Board as recommended by the Proto Planning Board:
- The University shall have a Planning Board which shall be constituted as per Section 25 (2) of the University Act 2007.
- The Planning Board shall consist of the following:
- Vice Chancellor - Chairperson
- All Pro Vice Chancellors - Ex-officio Members
- Dean Planning - Ex-officio Member
- Three persons from amongst the academic staff of the University to be nominated by the Vice Chancellor:
- One or two Deans or Directors
- One or two Professor or Associate Professor
- Five persons, who are not employees of the University, representing the following, and to be nominated by the respective bodies on the recommendation of the Vice Chancellor:
- One member of the Court
- One member of the Board of Management
- One Member of the Academic Council
- Two eminent persons in the field of Higher Education / Industry / Voluntary Sector (to be nominated by the Vice Chancellor)
- Registrar - Secretary
- All the members of the Planning Board, other than the ex-officio members, shall ordinarily hold office for a term of three years.
- The Planning Board shall be the principal planning body of the University and shall have the following powers and functions:
- to prepare and recommend short-term and long-term plans of the University;
- to conduct periodic impact assessment of the educational programmes offered by the University;
- to recommend new structures to be created in the University such as Schools / Division / Centres;
- to frame structures, rules, norms and processes to facilitate smooth functioning and quality enhancement;
- to identify and recommend to the Academic Council / Board of Management on new areas of study keeping in view the vision and mission of the University;
- to identify relevant programmes and focus areas for each campus of the University keeping in view the character of University as an institution for the city of Delhi and the geographical and socio-economic location of each campus;
- to develop financial models and recommend ideas for resource mobilization, funding initiatives and fund management;
- to recommend the principles and policy framework for financial and human resource planning and norms for allocation for various activities of the University;
- to develop and recommend modes, designs and strategies of instruction, and structures required for these;
- to plan and review the infrastructure development of the University;
- to plan and recommend the design framework of comprehensive information system covering all aspects of the functioning of the University;
- any other work that the Planning Board can take for itself, or which other statutory bodies assign the Planning Board.
- The matters related to any new developments, including those listed above shall be first taken up in the Planning Board before being placed in the Academic Council and/or the Board of Management.
- The Planning Board may appoint sub-committees, including Standing Committee(s), which may include persons other than the members of the Planning Board, for specific purpose. It may also include special invitees in its meetings from time to time.
- The Planning Board shall meet at least twice in a year or at such intervals, as it shall deem expedient.
- The Dean Planning in consultation with Vice-Chancellor shall fix the date for a meeting of the Planning Board.
- Ordinarily, a written notice of 15 days shall be given for a meeting of the Planning Board. In case of an emergent matter, an urgent meeting of the Board may be convened by giving a shorter notice for reasons to be recorded in writing by the Vice- Chancellor.
- Fifty per cent of the members of the Planning Board shall form the quorum for a meeting. However, it shall be ensured that at least two members from clause 2.v. are present in each meeting of the Board.
- In the event that agenda items of a meeting are deferred due to paucity of time, an adjourned meeting of the Planning Board shall be scheduled.
The composition of the Planning Board is as follows:
- Vice Chancellor - Chairperson
- All Pro Vice Chancellors - Ex-officio Members
- Dean Planning - Ex-officio Member
- Three persons from amongst the academic staff of the University nominated by the Vice Chancellor:
- Professor Krishna Menon, Dean, School of Human Studies and Dr Arindam Banerjee, Dean (Offg.), Academic Services
- Dr Rohit Negi, Associate Professor, School of Global Affairs
- (1) Three persons, who are not employees of the University, representing the following, and nominated by the Vice Chancellor on behalf of the respective bodies subject to their ratification:
- Professor S.R. Hashim (Nominee of the University Court)
- Professor S. Parasuraman (Nominee of the Board of Management)
- Professor A.K. Sharma (Nominee of the Academic Council)
- (2) Two eminent persons in the field of Higher Education / Industry / Voluntary Sector (nominated by the Vice Chancellor)
- Professor Pankaj Chandra, Vice Chancellor, Ahemdabad University
- Professor A.R. Khan, Formerly with IGNOU
- Registrar - Secretary