Publication 2017-18

  • Alkahtani, B. S., Algahtani, O. J., Dubey, R. S. & Goswami, P. (2017).Solution of fractional oxygen diffusion problem having without singular kernel. The Journal of Nonlinear Science and Applications, 10(10), 299–307.
  • Amin, I. (2017, December). [Review of the State of India’s livelihood report 2016 by G. Srinivasan & N. Srinivasan]. Social Change, 47(4) 642–645.
  • Banerjea, N., Browne, K., Mcglynn, N., B., S., Bakshi, L., Banerjee, R., & Biswas, R. (2017).Towards transnational feminist queer methodologies. Gender, Place & Culture, 24(10), 1376–1397.
  • Banerjee, A. (2017). [review of the report State of India's livelihoods 2016 edited by G. Srinivasan & N. Srinivasan]. South Asia Economic Journal, 18(2), 331–333.
  • Banerjee, A. (2017). Making sense of the agrarian question in India [review of the book Critical perspectives on agrarian transition: India in the global debate editedby B. B. Mohanty]. Economic and Political Weekly, 52 (29), 34–35.
  • Banerjee, A. (2017). Specificities of Indian capitalism [review of the book State and capital in independent India: Institutions and accumulation by C. Dasgupta]. The Book Review, 42 (3), 33–34.
  • Bharti, M. (2017, February). Understanding the dalit self: Politics and world view. Social Scientist, 45(1&2), 33-47.
  • Chakravarty, R. (2017, April). [Review of the book Encounters with people and the angels of hope by H. K. Kaul]. The Book Review, XLI (4).
  • Chakravarty, R. (2017, December). [review of the book Towards an ethics and aesthetics of the future by S. Chakrabarti]. The Book Review, XLI (12), 57.
  • Chowdhury , S. (2017, April 8). Being human is so yesterday. Business Standard, 11.
  • Chowdhury, S. (2017). A postcolonial iconi-city: Re-reading Uttam Kumar’s cinema as metropolar melodrama. Journal of South Asian History and Culture, 8(2) 1382–5577. doi: 10.1080/19472498.2017.1304090.
  • Chowdhury, S. (2017). Le pont sur le fleuve Hooghly: Modernité, Mobilité, Visualité [Bridge over river Hooghly: Modernity, mobility, visuality]. In T. Debroux, Y. Vanhaelen & J. le Maire (Eds.), L'entrée en ville: Aménager, Expérimenter, Représenter (pp. 131–145). Brussels, Belgium: Éditions de l'Université de Bruxelles.
  • Dewle, M. (2017). Why genre-based approach should be used to teach academic writing in Indian context?. Journal of Research Scholars and Professionals of English Language Teaching, 4(1), 1–9.
  • Dewle, M. (2017).Suitability of materials in reading comprehension of grade 3 and 5 ESL learners. In R. Hauzel & L. Sridevi (Eds.), English language and literature: Critical perspectives, (pp. 69–83). Hyderabad: Gitam University Press.
  • Dhar, A., & Chakrabarti, A. (2017).Economic development. In D. M. Brennan, D. Kristjanson-Gural, C. P. Mulder, & E. K. Olsen (Eds.), Routledge handbook of Marxian Economics. Routledge.
  • Dhar, A., & Chakrabarti, A. (2017). Transition. In D. M. Brennan, D. Kristjanson-Gural, C. P. Mulder, & E. K. Olsen (Eds.), Routledge handbook of Marxian Economics. Routledge.
  • Dutta, A., & Mir, U. A. (2017).Exploring gendered challenges of distress migration: A qualitative study on the community of migrant farmers in Delhi. Journal of the Anthropological Survey of India, 66(1 & 2), 83–101.
  • Jha, P. (2017). Religion and culture in the making of nation in South Asia. In R. Basu & S. Rehman (Eds.), Governance in South Asia (pp. 19–39). London: Routledge.
  • Kaul, A., Aggarwal, S., Gupta, A., Dayama, N., Krishnamoorthy, M., & Jha, P. C. (2017). Optimal advertising on a two-dimensional web banner. International Journal of System Assurance Engineering and Management, 1(6).
  • Kumar, D., & Manju. (2017). Ambedkar University Delhi library services: Role of DELNET. Journal of Library and Information Communication Technology, 6(1), 19–25.
  • Mahajan, K. (2017). Rainfall shocks and gender wage gap: Agricultural labor in India. World Development, 91, 156–172.
  • Mahajan, K. Afridi, F., Dinkelman, T. (2017, March 5). Declining female labour force participation in rural India: The supply side. Ideas For India. /Article.aspx?article-id=1782 .
  • Mao, A. K., & Mohan, R. (2017). Death anxiety among urban Indian graduate students. International Journal of Multidisciplinary Educational Research, 12 (5), 290–304.
  • Menon, K. (2017). Anekantavada. In A. Khokhar (Ed), Attendance (pp. 63–66). New Delhi: Ashish Mohan Khokar.
  • Menon, K. (2017). Documenting dance: A work in progress [review of the book Tilt pause shift: Dance ecologies in India by A. E. Cherian]. The Book Review, 52–53.
  • Menon, K. (2017). An insider’s perspective [review of the book Kathakali dance theater: A visual narrative of sacred Indian mime by K. K. Gopalakrishnan]. The Book Review, 35–37.
  • Mir, U. A. (2017). Methodological issues in assessment of adolescent mental health in a conflict zone: A case study of Jammu and Kashmir. The Indian Journal of Pediatrics (Special Supplement), 1, 95.
  • Mirza, S. (2017). Lost worlds: Perspectives of decline among shias of Hyderabad old city. Contributions to Indian Sociology.
  • Moggallan, B. (2017). Understanding Dalit self: Politics and the world view. Social Scientist, 45, 33–47.
  • Mudiganti, U. (2017). One part woman: Controversial challenge to hegemonic masculinity. The IACLALS Journal, 3, 21–28.
  • Nag, S (2017). Theoretical assumptions regarding the mind-culture-language relationship underlying models of multilingual education in India and their impact on resulting practices. In C. Hywel (Ed.), Multilingualisms and Development (pp. 131–150). London: British Council.
  • Nayak, N. & Nehra, S., (2017). Accessing the Right to Food in Delhi, Economic and Political Weekly, 52(23).
  • Nayak, N. (2017).Title of review [review of the book Delivering public services effectively: Tamil Nadu and Beyond by Vivek S]. South Asia Journal. -tamil-nadu-and-beyond-by-vivek-s/
  • Nayak, N. (2017).Workers or beneficiaries: The varied politics of NREGA implementation on south-west Madhya Pradesh. In R. Nagaraj & S. Motiram (Eds.), The political economy of contemporary India, (pp. 331–361). New Delhi: Cambridge University Press.
  • Nayak, N., & Nehra, S. (2017).Accessing the right to food in Delhi. Economic and Political Weekly, 52(23). /accessing-right -food-delhi.html.
  • Negi, R., Thakur, K., & Shoaib. S. (2017). At nature’s end, Seminar, 690, 50–53.
  • Negi, R., Thakur, K., & Shoaib. S. (2017). Contoured urbanism: People, property and infrastructures in the Indian Himalayas. Urbanisation, 1(2), 1–15.
  • Nite, D. K. (2017). Labour, wages and living standards of working people: Early modern and colonial India, 1600–1870. In K. Myrvold & S. Billore (Eds.), India: Research on cultural encounters and representations (pp. 131–161). Göteborg: Makadam Publisher.
  • Nite, D. K., & Stewart, P. (2017). From fatalism to mass action to incorporation to neoliberal individualism: Worker safety on South African mines, c.1955–2016. Review of African Political Economy, 44(152), 252–271.
  • Ramaswamy, B. & Mahajan, K. (2017). Caste, female labor supply and the gender wage gap in India: Boserup Revisited. Economic Development and Cultural Change, 65(2), 339-37.
  • Roy, A. (2017). Imagining undreamt selves. In M. B. Acreche & M. W. Harris (Eds.), Counter dreamers, (pp. 141–149). London: Karnac.
  • Samuel, N. (2017). [Review of the book Trends in language teaching by R. Agnihotri]. Fortell, 35, 23.
  • Sankrit, S. (2017). Aaj ka yuwa kavi.In A. Kandhwe (Ed.), Adhunik Sahitya. Delhi
  • Sankrit, S. (2017). Bhakti Andolan aur vartmaan vaishwik paridrishya mein Guru Jambhoji ka chintan. Jambhani Sahitya Academy.
  • Sankrit, S. (2017). Sant kavya aur Guru Jambhoji ki Prasangikta. Smarika.
  • Sankrit, S. (2017). Zakia Zubairi ka vyaktitva. In A. Kandhwe & A. Nawariya (Eds.), Zakia Zubairi: Pardes mein des.
  • Sankrit, S.(2017). Sahitya ka samarthya Hindi alochana ke sandarbh mein. Sahitya Parikrama, 71.
  • Santhosh, S. (2017). Counter-History of the (Indian) National-Modern: The Life and Works of RamkinkarBaij. In The Progressive Cultural Movement: A Critical History. New Delhi:
  • Sarma, M., Saha, P., & Jayakumar, N. (2017). Asset inequality in India: Going from bad to worse. Social Scientist, 45(3 & 4), 53–67.
  • Sen, R. (2017). Reading the social in autobiographies: A glimpse into everyday life and history. In N. Jayaram (Ed.), Knowing the social world: Methodologies in sociological research (pp. 280–298). Shimla: IIAS & Oxford University Press.
  • Sharma, R. K. & Prajapati, B. (2017). Generalized derivations and commutativity of prime Banach algebras. Beiträge zur Algebra und Geometrie/Contributions to Algebra and Geometry, 58 (1). 179–187.
  • Singh, S.K. (2017). Deras as little fiefdoms: Understanding the Dera Sacha Sauda Phenomenon. Economic and Political Weekly, 52(37), 20–23
  • Singh, S.K. (2017). The caste question and songs of protest in Punjab. Economic and Political Weekly, 52(4).
  • Sinha, D., Prasad, V., Sengupta, S., & Shukla, A. (2017). Inept fiscal transitions and budgetary disruptions in nutritional services for women and children. Journal of the National Human Rights Commission, India, 16, 159–182.
  • Thomas, S. (2017). Towards a monolingual world: Indian English fiction and translations in India. In O. I. Seel (Ed.), Redefining translation and interpretation in cultural evolution, USA: IGI Global.
  • Vahali, D. O. (2017). Crossing: A journey within and beyond in Alice Walker's ‘By the Light of My Father's Smile’. Literary Quest, 3 (3), 1–16.
  • Vahali, H. O. (2017). [review of the book Creating heaven on Earth: The psychology of experiencing immorality in everyday life by P. Marcus]. International Journal of Applied Psychoanalytic Studies, 14(4), 312–313.
  • Venkataraman, G. (2017). An autobiographical account: Woman mathematician in India. Economic and Political Weekly, 52(17), 61–66.
  • Venkataraman, G., Sahni, V., Naik, S., Raina, D., Isaac, K. P., Sharma, R. S., Goswami, G., & Saxena, N. (2017). Education technology roadmap: Technology vision 2035. Technology Information, Forecasting and Assessment Council [TIFAC]. New Delhi: Government of India.