The Research & Development Division invites applications for grant of seed money under the Seed Money Grant Faculty Research (SMGFR) – 2023 from the faculty members of Dr. B.R. Ambedkar University Delhi.
About the Scheme
The SMGFR aims at promoting Faculty Research at the University by providing a minor research subvention to those faculty members who would like to take up exploratory research including clinical research, action research or creative work in a short span of 6-10 months, leading to evident and demonstrable output in the form of research report, publications, public presentations, seminars, working papers, exhibitions, performances, artworks, images, prototypes, installations etc.
Application submission window
The online applications can be filled in via the link - and submitted between 15th November and 15th December 2023. A hard copy of the form filled (print out of online form) by the applicant needs to be forwarded by the Dean/Director of the School/Center of the applicant to the Research and Development Division by 18th December 2023 (Monday). The online application would not be considered if it is not forwarded by Dean/Director along with hard copy.